4. nyhedsbrev om situationen i Gaza
(Oversat til Dansk for vores medlemmer og dem fra den danske deep state, der ikke skulle kunne tale Engelsk)
Nedenfor er der dokumentation for at Israel er skyldig i folkemord og at de har planlagt det og har udført det og har til hensigt at fortsætte med at udføre det.
Det er meget vigtigt at studere falske flagoperationer, både hvis du allerede er opmærksom på konceptet, og endnu mere, hvis du ikke er det.
Falske flag er blevet brugt til at starte ikke kun hver eneste krig i hundreder af år, men også alle globale kriser.
Det kaldes også den hegelske dialekt, først skabe et problem, derpå få en reaktion fra befolkningen på problemet og til sidst tilbyde løsningen, ingen ville have accepteret i første omgang, hvis problemet ikke var blevet kreeret.
Nedenfor finder du henvisninger til flere falske flagoperationer. Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin (undskyldningen for at starte Vietnam krigen) og den grædende "sygeplejerske" med babyer i "inkubatorer" i 1991, der viste sig at være en Kuvaiti-prinsesse, er kun tre hurtige eksempler. Mange flere nedenfor.
Et andet nyere eksempel ville være, hvis du åbnede grænsen 15 steder og forbød din hær at forsvare sin befolkning de første 7 timer af et fjendtligt angreb, mens fjenden tog gidsler, derefter påberåbte Hannibal-direktivet og dræbte dit eget folk såvel som fjendtlige soldater, så du bagefter kunne gengælde og finde "dækning" for at begå det tilsigtede folkedrab. Noget, der undersøges og dokumenteres nedenfor, flere indlæg vil berøre emnet.
Konflikten i Gaza handler ikke kun om den 10.oktober, men skal ses i en historisk sammenhæng. Balfour-erklæringen, Nakhba i 1948, medie løgnen i 1915 om tyskere, der "spiddede babyer til kirkedøre", der blev brugt som påskud for USA til at slutte sig til den engelske side. Verden har lidt enormt lige siden disse medier løgne
Siden Første Verdenskrig har krigsmagerne også brugt historien med babyer i inkubatorer i 1991 og igen den 7.Oktober med "40 babier med afhuggede hoveder". Alle løgne mainstream-medierne meldte sig frivilligt til at sælge sten hårdt uden noget som helst "facta-check". Med hensyn til falsk flag operationen den 7. oktober viste det sig, at den yngste israeler, der døde 7.oktober, var tre år gammel, så det var en medieløgn, men mainstream medierne i Vesten har ikke gjort noget forsøg på at tilbagetrække disse løgne. De er alle medskyldige i det palæstinensiske folks lidelser, ironisk nok også mord på Palæstinensiske babyer i inkubatorer på de tæppebombede hospitaler i Gaza.
Kollektiv afstraffelse er ulovlig i henhold til folkeretten, således har Israel ikke lov til at ødelægge hvert eneste hospital, universitet og vital infrastruktur, Israel har heller ikke lov til at forbyde international hjælp i form af mad, vand og vital medicin og hospitalsforsyninger.
Børn i Gaza bliver opereret uden bedøvelse. Læs det een gang til!
USA blokerer for en våbenhvile, og de mainstream medier i Vesten er med meget få eksempler medskyldige i drabet på tusinder af børn.
Situationen er meget farlig, fordi den potentielt kan sprede sig og blive til anden verdenskrig. Tænk Lusitania og Pearl Harbour mnu hvor USA har flere krigsskibe i Middelhavet som "sitting ducks" for et angreb fra en nation, der sympatiserer med palæstinenserne. Eller hvis en nation besluttede at komme palæstinenserne til hjælp og USA reagerede.
Det er således meget positivt, at Sydafrika har taget en juridisk tilgang, og indtil videre har Israel fået "en advarsel" og skal snart rapportere tilbage. ICJ-afgørelsen og Israel har begået folkemord vil komme, og efter min mening vil Israel uden tvivl blive dømt for at have begået folkedrab.
Yderligere kilder til støtte for påstandene nedenfor kunne være" The 13th Tribe "af Arthur Koestler, der dokumenterer, at askenazi (staves med z) jøder ikke er et semitisk folk, og"Jewish History, Jewish Religion" af Israel Shahak om det nuværende apartheidsystem i Israel. Begge er jødiske forfattere, Israel Shahak a var medlem af Knesset.
Efter min mening er en tostatsløsning ikke nok, apartheidstaten Israel bør lide samme skæbne som apartheidregimet i Sydafrika, og der skal oprettes en ny stat helt uden apartheid.
Mads Palsvig, formand for Velstandspartiet, Jorden Frihed Kundskab, tidligere investeringsbanker fra Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse First Boston og Barclays Bank
Indholdet nedenfor er opdelt i følgende undergrupper::
False flags, Nakhba, Apartheid,
Israel, Hamas
South Africa, Indonesia, Yemen
Bemærk, at hver linje nedenfor indeholder et link til en erklæring, artikel eller video med enten ofre og/eller gerningsmænd, førstehåndsvidner og videoer, kort sagt den type beviser, der holder i retten, i modsætning til mainstream medias påstande baseret på rent fabrikerede løgne uden nogen understøttende beviser, såsom alle historier om babyer eller Gaddafis "drab på sit eget folk" eller Iraks "masseødelæggelsesvåben".
False Flag
Hamas blev registreret i 1978 som en virksomhed af Israel
(7) Mads Palsvig på X: "Now who would have thought that: Hamas was legally registered as a zionist corporation in Israel in 1978 under the auspices of Menachim Begin. Menachim Begin's qualifications as a terrorist was bombing The King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946. Probably not something the…" / X (twitter.com)
I Netanyahu har støttet Hamas i årevis.
(8) Mads Palsvig på X: "The letter’s signatories accuse Netanyahu of spending years propping up Hamas in Gaza at the expense of the Palestinian Authority, which the US has argued should be revitalized to govern both the West Bank and Gaza. CNN has reported that for years Qatar delivered cash-filled… https://t.co/4vlHrT1I6t" / X (twitter.com)
Her ses at både Israels leder og Hamas leder er del af Klaus Schwabs WEF.
Denne video er fra den 8. Oktober. Alle der ville vide det, har vidst at den 7. oktober var et falsk flag siden den 8. oktober (senest). Lyt her til en tidligere hemmelig agent for IDF:
This video is from October 8th. This is how long it has been obvious to everyone, that Israel did it and/or allowed it to happen:
(9) Mads Palsvig på X: "This lady is a former secret service agent for the Israeli Defence Force, she also considers it an impossibility, that Israel did not have 100% foreknowledge of the attack. And she also questions why the border was wide open and no action taken against the intruders. My take: -… https://t.co/gphaHZ8hBM" / X (twitter.com)
Israel brugte "Hannibal Direktivet" den 7. Oktober. Hannibal Direktivet: slå alle ihjel, både egne borgere og fjendens.
(9) Arnaud Bertrand på X: "This is huge: https://t.co/oI0ImicOJg Top Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth confirms Israel used the "Hannibal directive" on Oct 7th, which calls to kill Israeli hostages along with their captors. This is the exact quote from the paper: "At midnight on October 7, the IDF…" / X (twitter.com)
Den Italienske Præsident: CIA og Mossad stod bag 911
Mads Palsvig på X: "The Italian President was according to the mainstream journalist at the Guardian: - "of course being ironic" WHEN he said that CIA and MOSSAD WAS behind 911 Of course Presidents are always being "ironic" when they claim something...... NOW I AM BEING "IRONIC"!!!" / X (twitter.com)
Eksempel på hvorledes jøder har lavet falske flag operationer på sig selv og påstået andre har gjort det:
(4) Mads Palsvig på X: "Wow, who would have thought they would attack themselves and blame someone else, either Nazis, antisemites or terrorists? It’s not like the Mossad did that at 911 and 107……right?" / X (twitter.com)
Hvorfor vil Israel ikke have at FN undersøger alle Israels pstande om Hamas forbrydelser?
Clue: Fordi den yngste Israeler der døde den 7. oktober var 3 år gammel, og sandsynligvis blev det stakkels barn myrdet under udførelsen af Hannibal Direktivet, hvor Israel bombede alle de kibutzer, hvor Hamas havde taget gidsler.
Mads Palsvig på X: "Now I wonder why Israel does not want the UN to investigate their claims of "beheaded babies", "babies in ovens", "Hamas rape of Israeli women" etc etc.... And what does the Talmud say about lying to gentiles? A: It is allowed and encouraged because Gentiles are unter-menchen… https://t.co/LNA6us1G92" / X (twitter.com)
(5) Mads Palsvig på X: "False flag attacks are committed by zionists in all ages in all spheres and by all sexes" / X (twitter.com)
De eneste terrorister er CIA og Mossad og deres proxies:
(3) Mads Palsvig på X: "Soon the whole world will know the only terrorists are the government sponsored ones. Mainly by CiA and Mossad. Goyims know" / X (twitter.com)
Verdenssituationen er farlig. Pas på, deep state kan finde på at lave endnu en falsk flag operation for at provokere WWIII. Tænk Nordstream eller endnu værre...
(10) Mads Palsvig på X: "Watch out for yet another deep state false flag operation. STUDY: Operation Northwoods, USS Liberty, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Ajax, "babies in incubators 1991 Gulf war", "Weapons of mass destruction" 2nd Gulf war 2003, Gaddafi is "killing his own people" and of course the…" / X (twitter.com)
Det er super vigtigt at vide, hvad et falsk flag er!!!
Mads Palsvig på X: "Number 1 If you don’t know what a false flag is and would like to avoid WWIII. NOW is a REALLY good time to find out. Number 2 If you do know what a false flag is, then NOW is a VERY good time to educate anyone you know, who does not yet know. Life or death It is THAT…" / X (twitter.com)
Tilståelse at Israelske styrker har modtaget ordre om at begå folkemord:
Sulaiman Ahmed på X: "ISRAELI FORCES ADMIT THEY HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO ETHNICALLY CLEANSE https://t.co/xdd0nj3bql" / X (twitter.com)
Se hvad de jødiske børn synger skal ske med Palæstinensere:
https://twitter.com/DefundIsraelNow/status/1750614920276910581 Here are screenshots of a video, published by Al Jazeera, showing jewish children singing about Gaza. Look what they say in the 2nd photo.
- Ødelagt af Israelere:
Sarah Wilkinson på X: "What’s left? just remnants of Palestinian lives, bodies, homes, schools, hospitals — everything destroyed by the israelis | #AirDropAidForGaza https://t.co/GYYNpggXZm" / X (twitter.com)
- For tre måneder siden var der 36 hospitaler, nu er der INGEN!!!
(7) Dr. Jennifer Cassidy på X: "Three months ago there were 36 hospitals in Gaza. This morning there are none. Zero. All have been bombed by Israel. The same country that claimed at the International Court of Justice that they would never attack a hospital." / X (twitter.com)
- Ja de sprayer også gift udover Gaza
(1) Robin Monotti på X: "GAZA CHEMTRAILS "In November 2016, in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request filed by the NGO Gisha, the Israeli Ministry of Defense confirmed that aerial herbicides are sprayed along the width of the perimeter of Gaza. Aerial spraying is conducted between the Erez… https://t.co/5JIspMHd81" / X (twitter.com)
- En et stats løsning uden apartheid
(3) Mads Palsvig på X: "Israel is a racist genocidal apartheid state. There must be a one-state solution WITHOUT apartheid." / X (twitter.com) All these happy people have now been murdered by Israel.
- Første hånds vidneudsagn om hvad der foregår i Israelske fængsler
(4) Sulaiman Ahmed på X: "PALESTINIAN HOSTAGE SAYS SHE WOULD WAKE IN THE NIGHT TO SCREAMS OF 11-12 YEAR OLD CHILDREN TIED TO THEIR BEDS Those children were subjected to rape and are still in prison https://t.co/jY4HToT7u0" / X (twitter.com)
- Således bliver fanger behandlet i Israel:
(12) Dick Mackintosh #StopTheWar på X: "There is no such thing as left-wing antisemitism. Left-wing means equal Human Rights for everybody. There is such a thing as left-wing anti-Zionism. Israel doesn't give equal Human Rights to the Palestinians and that's racist. I always Follow Back #SocialistSunday https://t.co/m0YJ4VMXnG" / X (twitter.com)
- Dette er hvad Israel har gjort siden ICJ's første dom:
(11) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis på X: "This is what Israel has done since the ICJ ruling: -Killed 300+ Palestinans -Injured 600+ Palestinians -Bombed hospitals in South Gaza -Erased a residential block -Celebrated the illegal jewish settlement plan -Carpet bombed North Gaza -Cut UNRWA Funding @CIJ_ICJ https://t.co/v7Vobiy1Fx" / X (twitter.com)
- Her springer Israel en hel landsby i luften:
(12) Khalissee på X: "Israel blows up an entire village in Gaza! This is Genocide. https://t.co/X7zYgwoj9u" / X (twitter.com)
- Israelere må gerne håne Palæstinensere der bliver myrdet og bombet for Tik Tok
(7) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis på X: "Israelis on TikTok mocking Palestinians who have been bombed constantly for more than 3 months. When Zionists show you who they are, believe them. https://t.co/iXW35j8jJf" / X (twitter.com)
(7) Dr. Jennifer Cassidy på X: "One the most abhorrent videos I’ve ever seen from the “most moral army on earth”. Mocking and enjoying their acts of wiping out of entire generations. Monsters in plain sight. Uploading their inhumanity for the world to see. https://t.co/BFE4lHji4Z" / X (twitter.com)
- Her skyder en israeler en Palestinensisk pige og tager sig en kop kaffe mens hun ligger og dør:
(12) Mads Palsvig på X: "An Israeli shoots a Palestinian girl and leaves her to die while drinking coffee. And to those that say “but Hamas…October 7th”: This was already in 2015 For the record I no longer compare Zionists with Nazis. For obvious reasons" / X (twitter.com)
- Kun en udenlandsk invaderende hær ville ødelægge alt det de lokale har brugt generationer på at opbygge:
(12) X: "Only a foreign colonizer would destroy what the indigenous ancestral land owners spent their entire lives building If Israeli Jews were indigenous to the lands like they claim to be, they wouldn’t be destroying olive trees and other parts of the land They just try to…" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvorfor fælder Israel træerne?
(13) Amanur Rahman på X: "Why is Israel destroying trees if they’re only fighting Hamas? @stairwayto3dom https://t.co/YVDzWb1aBN" / X (twitter.com)
- Israelske soldater danser inde i et universitet de bomber det kort efter
https://twitter.com/RyLiberty/status/1751043999748825104 dancing Israeli soldiers inside a medical facility of the Islamic University of Gaza. They blew up the building after recording this video
- Jeg fik en post på Twitter blokeret for at kalde Netanyahu en psykopat, men zionister må frit opfordre til folkemord på Twitter
(7) Mads Palsvig på X: "And I just had a post blocked by Jewish @elonmusk for calling the genocidal terror state of Israels government for Zio ..... Insert a four letter word starting with N that represents a political party run by a Zionist funded dude called Adolf" / X (twitter.com)
- Mit skriv til Twitter:
(7) Mads Palsvig på X: "Disclaimer: Dear Twitter, This is hate-speech, or in a non Orwellian world freedom of speech. On this public/private Prisonplanet you decide on behalf of the fascist/green communist world government: “I hate these Zionists* celebrating genocide of the rightful owners and…" / X
While I can't call Netanyahu a genocidal psychopath on Twitter or compare Zionists to Nazis, Israelis are allowed to call for genocide of an entire nation and the rightful owners of Palestina:
- Endnu en krigsforbrydelse:
(7) Mads Palsvig på X: "Another war crime by the Zionazis: https://t.co/ev52CrKEUD" / X (twitter.com)
(10) Yunus Arslan på X: "The crime has not changed, even though the date is different This time, they cannot hide from the eyes of the people of the world.. The world is watching and recording live https://t.co/l3WH6t1gRc" / X (twitter.com)
- Israel laver fake news:
Israel has bought a mass online influence system. Yeah, we know! But Palestine is still winning the world. Without buying anyone.
Haaretz is an Israeli mainstream newspaper:
- Far....jeg er ked af det....
(14) Sulaiman Ahmed på X: "DAD I AM SORRY I USED TO SCREAM AT YOU https://t.co/KTjhCdrouE" / X (twitter.com)
- Israelsk selvforsvar:
(14) Quds News Network på X: "Israel killed everyone in this picture in "self-defense"... Muin Ayyash, his wife, Najah, their children, and grandchildren were all killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza. https://t.co/d5Y4NWp3Bo" / X (twitter.com)
- Krigsforbrydelse:
(14) Sarah Wilkinson på X: "A Palestinian family say they witnessed the summary execution of 15 Palestinian men when Israeli troops raided their apartment in Gaza https://t.co/Vb1KBgyDMa" / X (twitter.com)
(14) Sulaiman Ahmed på X: "THIS IS LAYAH ISRAEL KILLED HER https://t.co/wHsHVF8w1t" / X (twitter.com)
- Send denne video til din yndlings zionazi:
(15) Mads Palsvig på X: "Send this video (1 min) to your favorite Zionist: https://t.co/5dGCOgW9Ze" / X (twitter.com)
- Her bombes det sidste universitet i Gaza:
(5) Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده på X: "The Israeli army detonates the last university it hadn't destroyed yet. A scene from the explosion of the Palestine University with 315 bombs. The university is owned by businessmen and is not affiliated with any political agenda. Israel has destroyed all universities and about… https://t.co/eVob3i5HEv" / X (twitter.com)
- Naturligvis bruger Israel Zyklon B (?) giftgas:
(6) Dan Cohen på X: "The Israeli military killed captive soldier Ron Sherman with poison gas, according to his mother Maayan Sherman, mother of Ron Sherman, a captive Israeli soldier whose body was recovered from a tunnel in Jabalia refugee camp by Israeli forces in December, writes on Facebook that… https://t.co/UrfczSKgEp" / X (twitter.com)
- ...og selv kirkegårde ødelægges
https://twitter.com/stairwayto3dom/status/1747525398789865591 Israeli forces completely DESTROYED a CEMETERY and then stole the CORPSES before withdrawing from Khan Younis!
- "selvforsvar"... ødelæggelse af hele bolig komplekser
Jake Shields på X: "They are taking out entire residential blocks They are not targeting Hamas" / X (twitter.com)
- Og på lejlighedsniveau har de tid til også at lave hærværk i hver eneste lejlighed
(3) Samah Sabawi på X: "Israeli soldiers trashed our apartment in #Gaza and left antisemitic artwork on the walls. Why antisemitic? Because it incites hatred against Jews. You see, when you leave the star of David, a religious symbol, on the walls of homes you’ve invaded, trashed or demolished, when you… https://t.co/lIv1CvGs44" / X (twitter.com)
Apartheid State
- Hvad siger Professor Norman Finkelstein?
(12) Daniel F. Prinsloo på X: "Prof. Norman Finkelstein is 100% correct. There are no other logical answers to explain what we are witnessing from Israel. It's a nation engulfed and driven by evil, terrorism, racism, and hate. No life or beauty is valued as purity and innocence is brutally destroyed. Such a…" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvad siger Ken O'Keefe?
(12) Mads Palsvig på X: "Listen to @KenOKeefe1TJP" / X (twitter.com)
- Selv læger der forsøger at hjælpe bliver gennemtæsket:
(12) Mads Palsvig på X: "BREAKING| Israeli forces attack and beat up the paramedic Ahmad Qindeel during the ongoing night raid into Jenin in the West Bank. REMEMBER The Krystall Nacht was literally only ONE NIGHT. In Palestine it is EVERY NIGHT!!!! So I don’t even want to call the Zionists for Nazis.… https://t.co/zxu3LG59Ig" / X (twitter.com)
- APARTHEID: Palæstinensere kommer i fængsel for at like en post på sociale medier mens zionazier har lov til at mobbe og latterliggøre Palestinensere, der bliver folkemyrdet:
(8) Mads Palsvig på X: "While Palestinians go to jail for liking a post on social media the uber-racist Zio-nazis are allowed to mock and ridicule defenseless civilians being slaughtered by the terror state of Israel." / X (twitter.com)
- naturligvis torturerer zionazier fanger:
(14) Mads Palsvig på X: "Another first hand witness testimony to how the zionazis break international treaties and tortures prisoners and hostages: https://t.co/liwb1E92Uq" / X (twitter.com)
- en 3-årig Palæstinenser tages til fange
(14) Mads Palsvig på X: "Israeli zionazis “defending themselves” by taking a THREE-year old boy hostage. The terror state of Israel needs to be ended and a one state solution WITHOUT apartheid created in its place." / X (twitter.com)
- "Public Service Obligations".....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA ALLE main stream journalister er kollaboratører og krigsforbrydere
(6) Mads Palsvig på X: "In a democracy: This video would be shown on BBC, DR, SV1 and other TV Channel's with PUBLIC SERVICE obligations. This is about the apartheid state of Israel. https://t.co/uTDMNSXu3P" / X (twitter.com)
- Apartheid
(2) Mads Palsvig på X: "Apartheid in Israel:" / X (twitter.com)
- Apartheid. Fyret for at være ked af at Palæstinensere myrdes
(2) Alex Shams på X: "The state of democracy in Israel today: History teacher Meir Baruchin wrote an FB post mourning dead Gaza civilians, calling for war's end. He was fired from his job. Then police ransacked his home, detained him, and threw him in solitary confinement. https://t.co/d18Ned95Ch" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvad siger Hamas?
(14) Sulaiman Ahmed på X: "BREAKING: HAMAS RELEASE 17 PAGE BOOK ON WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON OCT 7 HAMAS AL-AQSA FLOOD OPERATION INTRODUCTION In light of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and as our people continue their battle for independence, dignity and… https://t.co/IZAY68uHmt" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvordan bliver Israelske gidsler behandlet af Hamas?
https://twitter.com/CensoredNws/status/1741574610556969023 Since this video triggers the Zionists I decided to post it again
- Send denne video til din yndlings zionazi
(15) Mads Palsvig på X: "Send this video (1 min) to your favorite Zionist: https://t.co/5dGCOgW9Ze" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvorfor har Israel med støtte fra verdens største militærmagt endnu ikke fået bugt med nogle få tusinde Hamas soldater?
(6) Sulaiman Ahmed på X: "BREAKING: HAMAS NEW VIDEO RELEASED DESTROYING A MERKAVA TANK https://t.co/gF4AiX6Glo" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvor mange Israelere mener Israel vinder krigen?
SVAR: 9%
The Times of Israel, mainstream newspaper:
Only 9% of Israelis believe they are winning the war:
- Søde Netanyahu: "Vi vil udplyndre USA til de ikke har mere!"
Naturligvis laver han 666 tegn:
Mads Palsvig på X: "Netanyahu: “We will suck America dry”. “This is what we do to countries we hate” While making 666 signs with his hands. The statement is 100% verified." / X (twitter.com)
- Denne Rabbi forklarer, at deres Gud er Satan:
Læs Talmud'en, så vil du ikke være i tvivl om, at han taler sandt.
Torah'en er det gamle testamente.
(2) Mads Palsvig på X: "This Rabbi explains, why the Israeli flag has 666 symbolism, and why some Zionists believe they are allowed to lie to goyims and why they are allowed to commit all sorts of crimes towards goyims according to the Talmud. The Talmud claims a Jews life is worth 10.000 goyims lives.…" / X (twitter.com)
- Talmud'en siger at en jøde er værd det samme som 10.000 goyims.
(8) Mads Palsvig på X: "Listen how this arrogant racist psychopath threatens anyone boycotting the terror-state of Israel. Quite a bit of hrutsbe even for a Talmud worshipping satanist. Talmud states that each Jew is worth 10.000 Goyims. Can it get more racist that that? Oh, and Goyim means "cattle". https://t.co/DL3CjfOPzt" / X (twitter.com)
- Zionisternes plan B ???
Mads Palsvig på X: "The Zionists Plan B if/when Israel loses in Gaza and are forced to stop apartheid ? Or is it their plan A?" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvorfor bliver ingen undervist om Khazaria?
(3) Mads Palsvig på X: "I wonder why they don’t teach us about Khazaria? The most evil satan-worshipping pedophile child-sacrificing lying thieving people in history are from Khazaria. Two examples of Khazarians. One male and one female: - Benjamin Netahyahu He was a Soviet agent. Stated goal back…" / X (twitter.com)
- The problem:
(10) Stew Peters på X: "Chinese Communists and “radical Islamic extremists” are NOT the problem. https://t.co/URDyH0T5z3" / X (twitter.com)
- 97% af Askenazi jøder har INTET SEMITISK DNA:
(14) Mads Palsvig på X: "Fun facts: https://t.co/66MZ1KdAhk" / X (twitter.com) PHOTO John Hopkins 97% have no Jewish DNA:
- Lebensraum
(14) Mads Palsvig på X: "From "the river to the sea" would include Libanon, Jordan and large parts of Egypt, Syria and Iraq. It seems Netanyahu likes himself a bit of "lebensraum"? No?" / X (twitter.com)
- Israelerne ved at de taber
https://twitter.com/propandco/status/1748089464600064233 Reality sets in. Israeli society understands the war is futile.
- Demo i Tel Aviv
https://twitter.com/AlonLeeGreen/status/1748049158454247873 HAPPENING NOW IN TEL AVIV! The largest rally we had against this war and for Israeli-Palestinian peace. Thousands of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel are marching now demanding a ceasefire agreement, the release of the hostages and the end of the killing in Gaza. Wow.
- Netanyahu: Uanset hvad ICJ dømmer, så fortsættes folkemordet
(2) Mads Palsvig på X: "Speaking like a true terrorist. “The Hague won’t stop us!” I. E. The ongoing Holocaust on the Semitic Palestinian people Absolutely zero respect for International law, international conventions signed by the terror state of Israel and human rights. https://t.co/QpLqPqkhbu" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvem er Larry Silverstein?
(2) Captain Dan Hanley på X: "Who is Larry Silverstein? New York billionaire real estate tycoon Larry Silverstein is a neocon Zionist and personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who he speaks with on the phone each Sunday...not that this means anything. The Twin Towers were white… https://t.co/opBo85RSkX" / X (twitter.com)
- 711.000 views i et land med 7 Mio Israelere
711.000 views in a country with 7 Mio Israelis.....
Stew Peters på X: "Israelis don’t seem to like black people. https://t.co/7tsZnx57Mb" / X (twitter.com)
The same time they call everyone else racist, whenever someone is pointing out a crime committed by a jew.
A tiny bit "ironic", no?
Det er et trick.
Vi bruger det altid for at stoppe lovlig kritik af jøder og zionist Israel.
Shulamit Aloni, tidligere medlem af den Israelske regering.
- Zionazierne bomber løs i nabolande for at sprede konflikten
(14) Mads Palsvig på X: "The zionazis are losing in Gaza so want to expand the conflict. Here the Israeli airforce has bombed the Al-Mezza quarters in downtown Damascus in Syria. Israel is hell bent on starting WWIII. A war they also will lose. The zionazis are so enraged with hate they can’t think… https://t.co/Dj9kVAIt8J" / X (twitter.com)
- Tidligere CIA agent: Israel spionerer imod USA, stjæler teknologi og laver falske flag for at få USA til at starte krige.
https://twitter.com/expatvibes/status/1752239650024866152 Israel conducts aggressive and obvious espionage against the United States, steals technology and false flags US into wars. In return Israel gets billions in aid, political cover at the UN, court cases mysteriously dropped at the DOJ and 3/4 of Congress in it's pocket.
- Nancy Pelosi har det helt fint med at ruinere USA
https://twitter.com/Borrowmirr/status/1741459112792039581 Nancy Pelosi: "USA can go to ruins, all that matters is Israel".
- Det er forbudt at boykotte Israelske produkter i følgende lilla stater
Mads Palsvig på X: "If you are opposed to Israel bombing babies in incubators then you still have to buy Israeli products and services in all the purple states:" / X (twitter.com)
- "Putin did it!"
(3) Jacob N. Kornbluh på X: "Nancy Pelosi: Protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza "is Mr. Putin's message... Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see... "I think some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere. Some I think are connected to Russia." https://t.co/hMwcM2WmKj" / X (twitter.com) ”Putin did it”. Including stealing one of her vodka bottles.
- Modig mand fortæller Blinken hvad han synes
(11) Mads Palsvig på X: "Nuremberg2.0 for genocidal psychopath Blinken" / X (twitter.com)
- 50% af Demokraterne i USA mener Israel begår folkemord
- Ingen civile døde i Gaza siger Bidens talsmand...
(4) Mads Palsvig på X: "No civilian deaths in Gaza says US government spokesperson." / X (twitter.com)
- Når man bomber Yemen støtter man folkemordet i Gaza
https://twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/1749554527089635543 The US and UK are bombing Yemen to help Israel commit a genocide.
- Dr Anastasia Maria Loupis kan ikke forstå Elon's dobbelt moral mht "never again"..... det kan jeg heller ikke.....
Hi Elon Musk,
Your paper says “never again” but you do know there is a actual genocide going on as we speak in Palestine! We know, you know because you have been heavily censoring our posts about THOUSANDS of murdered children the past 3 months. You do know Israel is murdering a child every 9 minute. You do know that 10.000 children are missing lying dead, halfdead, or alive under the rubble. You do know that 10.000 children have lost their arms and legs. You should be ashamed of yourself. This is despicable.
- Ytringsfrihed
https://twitter.com/Gentilenewsnet/status/1748891162188931238 Elon Musk, are you sure you still believe in free speech?
- Eksempler på CIA's falske flag
(14) Mads Palsvig på X: "Some of CIA's shady businesses:" / X (twitter.com)
- Chef redaktør for Wall Street Journal: "Vi plejede at "own the news", nu har ingen tillid til os mere...". Hendes indlæg på WEF seneste møde under titlen "Rebuilding trust".
(14) Wide Awake Media på X: ""We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well." Speaking at the WEF's annual Davos meeting, editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal, Emma Tucker, laments the death of public trust in the MSM. "If it said it in the Wall Street Journal… https://t.co/JR6GIB9hf4" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvordan kan CIA ansatte have råd til at købe huse til 70 Mio Kroner?
(6) Mads Palsvig på X: "I wonder how CIA employees can afford USD 12 Mio houses. A: being a terrorist pays well B: CIA has direct links to the privately owned Federal Reserve C: CIA controls the international drug trade, human trafficking and weapons trade D: ALL of the above" / X (twitter.com)
- UK overvejer at anerkende Palestina
(11) Sulaiman Ahmed på X: "BREAKING: UK CONSIDERS RECOGNISING PALESTINE AS A STATE FOR 1ST TIME The UK will give consideration to unilaterally recognising the State of Palestine BEFORE a two state solution. This is a huge moment in British history. The recognition would remove Israel’s veto power over… https://t.co/to0Vd8vByg" / X (twitter.com)
- SKY News: Israel = Nazi Tyskland:
(8) Mads Palsvig på X: "SKY News: Israels = Nazi Germany. The Zionists only response isto draw the "You are an Anti-semite" card. Buhuuhuuu the cry-baby has nothing else to say. The whole world is waking up. Israel is a terror-state. USA has spend USD 77.000 per person on wars against Israels enemies. https://t.co/gK6GC4TOeg" / X (twitter.com)
- EU støtter en våbenhvile
https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1748031612686893308 BREAKING: The EU just passed a CEASEFIRE RESOLUTION for Gaza.
- Kina ønsker en uafhængig Palestinensisk stat
https://twitter.com/Resist_05/status/1746774803972018391 China has called for an independent state of Palestine to be formed free of any Israeli occupation
South Africa
- Sydafrikas præsident
(7) Mads Palsvig på X: "South Africa's President comments on the ICJ ruling. https://t.co/qQzZY7EjSK?" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvad siger eksperterne om sagen imod Israel ved ICJ?
(8) Mads Palsvig på X: "Can Israel ignore World Court's order? Experts weigh in on the ICJ genocide case. https://t.co/sEYbHyFlak" / X (twitter.com)
- En af ICJ dommerne
(8) Mads Palsvig på X: "ICJ Judge roasts Israel: https://t.co/kkGR7uRvja" / X (twitter.com)
- Israel dømt med 15 stemmer imod 2
(8) Mads Palsvig på X: "The International Court of Justice, on a 15 to 2 vote, demands Israel take all measures to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza. 1. By 15 votes to 2. Israel must conform to Genocide Convention. Must take all measures to prevent killing Palestinian civilians, not preventing their… https://t.co/f4ZBQcw0ix" / X (twitter.com)
- Sydafrika vil også sagsøge USA og UK for folkemordet i Gaza.
(8) MintPress News på X: "50 lawyers prepare a case against the US and UK for complicity in Israel's genocide in Gaza Led by South African lawyer Wikus Van Rensburg, a group of around 50 legal professionals is preparing a law suit against the US and the UK that focuses on the complicity of the two… https://t.co/AR45mkuIU8" / X (twitter.com)
- ICJ dommen
Sulaiman Ahmed på X: "BREAKING: ICJ RULINGS AGAINST ISRAEL AND IN FAVOUR OF SOUTH AFRICA 1. 15-2 The state of Israel shall take all measures to prevent the commission of genocide to Gaza 2. 15-2 The state of Israel shall ensure that the military not commit any acts of genocide 3. 16-1 Israel shall… https://t.co/gtkTKsRFKZ" / X (twitter.com)
- Indonesien sagsøger Israel
(8) Kerry Burgess på X: "Israels days are numbered, and it looks like Washington is going to take the US down with them. The world is gradually coming together against them. https://t.co/cxYo36sk5J" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvad siger Houthi'ernes talsmand?
(7) Mads Palsvig på X: "What does the Houthi spokesman say about the conflict in the Middle East. Here he is interviewed by Max Blumenthal. https://t.co/jKo8qG2mA3" / X (twitter.com)
- Smart at sagsøge Israel i stedet for at lave WWIII
Mads Palsvig på X: "Smart move to charge Israel with genocide instead of starting WWIII. If convicted: Israel is a pariah and the International community entitled to take military action to stop the genocide. If not convicted: All wars started by the US since 1945 = illegal + the ICJ is political… https://t.co/bRhpIOPIZk" / X (twitter.com)
- Hvis betyder det hvis Israel ikke bliver dømt:
Mads Palsvig på X: "If Israel is NOT convicted for the genocide in Gaza. Even when Israeli gov. officials state such intent. Then Gaddafi must also be entitled to "kill his own people". And thus the US, UK & DK had no right to attack Libya, because of ONE rumor from ONE employee at Amnesty…" / X (twitter.com)
- Man skal altid afsløre ondskab, hver eneste gang, ellers vil historien gentage sig selv
Mads Palsvig på X: "Always point out evil, otherwise history will repeat itself. If we don’t, then the same people who started WWI+WWII will get away with starting WWIII. PS. If you haven’t read the Talmud. You should. It is by far the most evil, racist, psychopathic book ever written. People… https://t.co/Nz7cj8x0Ec" / X (twitter.com)
- Brug dette billede og tekst
Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis på X: "PLEASE USE this below text and image for replying to any post showing violence, starvation, murder, etc by BREACH ICJ RULING This post is plausible evidence of a non-compliance breach of the ICJ ruling order of 1/26/24. #ICJ_Breach @CIJ_ICJ https://t.co/AJMOof5dXF" / X (twitter.com)
- Disse typer demonstrationer er glimrende
(12) Mads Palsvig på X: "These types of demonstrations are great. Because they target the actual criminals and traitors" / X (twitter.com)
And this action is great:
(4) Ɗɑɳisɦ på X: "@DrLoupis https://t.co/2MIgWwwobS" / X (twitter.com)
(10) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis på X: "Yes we can BOYCOTT CHILD KILLERS! https://t.co/gmON9PqAgZ" / X (twitter.com)
- Takket være Palæstinenserne ved hele verden nu hvordan Zionazierne i virkeligheden er
(14) Mads Palsvig på X: "All the suffering of the bravest people in the world, the Palestinians will not be in vain. The entire world now knows exactly who the Zionists are. Noone will ever watch a Hollocaust movie again, and without those traumaticing fact distorting propaganda movies, the imposed…" / X (twitter.com)
- Den mest sataniske ondeste racistiske pædofili promoverende bog der nogen sinde er skrevet:
The most satanic evil racist pedophile promoting book ever written:
(14) Mads Palsvig på X: "Read the Talmud I dare you" / X (twitter.com)