Velstandspartiet - Jorden Frihed Kundskab

Verdenssituationen farer og mulige løsninger

Kære Alle,

Jeg vil forsøge at give en kort opsummering over, hvad jeg mener foregår i verden/overblik, inklusive hvilke farer vi står overfor netop nu, og konkrete løsningsforslag.

Derpå vil jeg komme med en gennemgang af situationen i Gaza.

Til sidst adskillige kilder.



Kort opsummering:






Situationen i Gaza

Den vil være struktureret på følgende måde.


                           Falsk flag den 7. oktober


                           Zionist medie manipulation

                           Apartheid Stat

                           Bombningen af Gaza

                           Nuremberg 2.0



Allernederst kommer:


- i form af alle opslagene til dokumentation af hvert af de syv afsnit. Her vil man kunne gå i dybden og finde førstehåndskilder og videodokumentation for alle påstande i nyhedsbrevet.


Meget kort opsummering:


Alt hvad der foregår er fake. Alt er iscenesat. Alt er for at opnå et globalt diktatur kaldet ”New World Order” eller ”The Great Reset”.

Covid19 var fake, det var den årlige influenza. Vaccinerne var fake, de er et biologisk våben. En del af en depopulations agenda. Ca 1/3 af vaccinerne var meget farlige, 1/3 lettere skadelige og 1/3 placebo eller ivermectin.

Lock down var fake, det var et socialt eksperiment for at se, hvordan de ville kunne tvinge folk til at bo i ”15 minutter byer”, som de kalder den nyeste form for Gulag eller KZ lejr med deres motto ”Arbeit Macht Frei”.

Krigen i Ukraine er fake, mindst tre fredsaftaler var indgået mellem Ukraine og Rusland og alle tre blev saboteret. Selensky blev valgt af 76% af Ukrainerne, fordi han lovede fred og forsoning med Rusland. CIA lavede et kup i 2014. Victoria ”We paid USD 5 Billion for regime change” Nuland var med til den forbrydelse.

Krigen er ikke ”øst imod vest”, USA/UK imod Rusland/Kina, rige lande imod fattige lande, ej heller Kristne og Jøder imod Muslimer. Krigen er en yderst lille men ekstremt magtfuld elite imod hele verdens befolkning. De var ligeledes ganske få, der stod bag de kommunistiske revolutioner i USSR og Kina.

Den globale magtelite ønsker at skabe et globalt diktatur meget lig det, der var i USSR og Mao’s Kina med fuldstændig kontrol over alle økonomiske såvel som politiske magtmidler.

Den illegale immigration er fake, de unge mænd i militærtjeneste alder bliver fragtet over grænsen med forudbetalte kredit kort, der bliver påfyldt hver måned med penge produceret ud af den blå luft i de privatejede centralbanker.

Klimaagendaen er fake. Der er ingen klimakrise. Mere CO2 er godt for menneskeheden. Siden 2002 er på verdensplan et område på størrelse med USA blevet grønt. Fødevareproduktionen er op markant. Hvis du som Kissinger siger, ”if you control food, you control people”, så er det ikke godt, altså hvis du ønsker at kontrollere folk, at der er en overflod af føde. Folk må ikke vide at Verden er helt ufatteligt rig. Og at hvis et eneste menneske sulter, så er det by design.

Den økonomiske krise er fake. Den er kreeret ved at bruge tusindvis af milliarder USD på krige og død og ødelæggelse, ved at bruge tilsvarende beløb på lockdowns og tvangsvaccineringer. Når der så kommer inflation på grund af alle de penge, der har været produceret ud af den blå luft af de privatejede centralbanker, som ikke er benyttet til produktivitet og gavn for menneskeheden, så sætter de renten op og smadrer økonomien fuldstændig.


Covid19 pandemien og forsøget på at tvinge specielt folk i Vesten til at blive vaccineret, vil blive forsøgt udspillet igen. WHO’s nye Pandemitraktat er deres plan for at opnå tvangsvaccinering af verdens befolkning Gudskelov har Estland, Slovakiet, Mexico og Filippinerne allerede sagt nej. Lad os håbe mange flere i ugerne der kommer. 

Krigen i Ukraine og folkemordet i Palæstina er begge forsøg på at starte WWIII. Indtil videre har Rusland og de muslimske lande besindet sig og ikke overreageret.

Oktober 7 i Gaza er et forsøg på at provokere en WWIII. Krigens bagmænd er ligeglade om resultatet bliver etnisk udrensning af Palæstinenserne eller om Israel skulle blive invaderet og den Israelske stat ophøre. Det eneste de ikke ønsker er en fredelig løsning. Det vigtigste er den totale kaos, og at det leder dem nærmere deres dystopiske mål. Efter WWI hed det ”League of Nations” og efter WWII fik vi ”United Nations”. Efter WWII planlægger de ”The New World Order” eller ”The Great Reset”.

Den ulovlige immigration af hovedsageligt unge mænd fra lande Vesten har tæppebombet i årtier og udplyndret endnu længere vil blive forsøgt benyttet til en kommende borgerkrig mellem indvandrere og landets indfødte statsborgere. Det, der vil kunne udløse dette, er vreden i specielt den muslimske del af befolkningen over folkemordet på den Palæstinensiske befolkning. Det er en reel fare at CIA og Mossad vil lave falske flag, ligesom de gjorde med mordet på to svenske fodbold fans i Belgien for en måneds tid siden. Hvis du ikke tror CIA og Mossad kunne finde på det, så undersøg Operation Gladio og Operation Northwoods. Magteliten ønsker borgerkrig og kaos for at de kan få en Patriot Act 2.0 og fuldstændig fjerne de sidste grundlovssikrede rettigheder: Ytringsfriheden, bevægelsesfriheden, og i USA retten til at bære våben.

Med klimaagendaen forsøger magteliten, at få dig til at acceptere grønne afgifter, CO2 skatter, at stoppe med at varme din bolig, stoppe med at køre bil og spise kød. De synes du skal spise insekter i stedet og bo i ”15 minutters byer”. Totalt overvåget. Men fremfor alt må du ikke forstå, at verden er helt ufatteligt rig og der er nok til alle. De eneste klimaproblemer vi har er skabt af netop magtelitens forureninger og naturkatastrofer fremprovokeret af HAARP installationerne, tog-”Ulykker” fyldt til randen med kemisk affald, som ”tilfældigvis” altid ryger af sporet på et naturskønt område ovenpå en flod, aldrig på en åben mark, hvor det er let at rydde op, påsatte skovbrænde hvor kun bygninger og biler brænder men træer er intakte, brande og eksplosioner i store fødevarefabrikker, forureningen af Europas bedste landbrugsjord i Ukraine med uranium depleted bullets og braklægningen af god landbrugsjord i Holland og andre steder.

The Great Taking – The Movie og bogen The Great Taking skrevet af min ven tidligere investment banker og hedgefond manager David Webb beskriver, hvorledes den øverste bank-mafia gradvist har ændret loven, således at de ved den næste bankkrise kan tage alle værdier. Ikke kun bankindskud, som nu er klassificeret som et usikret lån til pengeinstituttet, som de eksempelvis tog fra indskyderne på Cypern i 2008 i en såkaldt ”bail-in”. Men også værdipapirdepoter med aktier og obligationer og investeringsbeviser vil fremover ikke været beskyttet, men derimod ”lovligt” indgå som aktiver til at dække bankens tab. Så er det bare at kreere store nok tab i banksektoren, så ejer magteliten det hele. Og eftersom vi har haft en rente tæt på nul i mange år og pludselig har renten over 5% i mange lande, så er tabene nu så store og bankerne så insolvente, at det bare er et spørgsmål om at Federal Reserve eller andre ”trykker på knappen”. Og hvis de gør det, så mister du alt. Og deres løfte om, at ”you will own nothing” blive gennemført.

Jeg har tidligere skrevet om, at det er uklart hvem der står bag forsøget på at ødelægge livet på jorden, ødelægge vores kultur, vores fredelige sameksistens, naturen, vores sundhed, såvel fysiske som mentale tilstand og skabe et diktatur a la George Orwell med en støvle der står på dit hovede. Men det er klart at lederne i Vesten umuligt med 100% sikkerhed hver eneste gang de trækker en beslutning skader befolkningen uden at det er tiltænkt. Det er statisktisk set umuligt, og specielt når de fejl de laver er så indlysende store for de fleste af os med det samme, og for dem selv kort tid efter, uden at de på nogen måde forsøger at rette op på en eneste "fejl". Medierne, domstolene, politikerne, uddannelsessystemet og centraladminstrationen alle arbejder de sammen imod befolkningen og i alle lande i Vesten. 

Mit bedste kvalificerede gæt er at det en konspiration.

En konspiration om at overtage magten og lave ikke kun Kina eller Sovjetunionen til et dystopisk kommunistisk bolshevistisk helvede, men hele globen. 

Jeg har skrevet om det tidligere og refereret til første hånds vidnrnet Anatolij Golytsin og Yurij Bezmenov, som begge forklarede, hvordan toppen af magtapparatet i Sovjet og Mao's Kina kom til den konklusion, at de ikke kunne besejre Vesten åbenlyst ved at støtte kommunistiske partier i Vesten. De var nødt til at arbejde på at nedbryde vores kultur, vores kønsroller, børn og unges respekt for deres forældre, vores tilknytning til tro, traditioner og religion, og i stedet arbejde på at øge materialisme, egoisme og nihilisme. 

Man må sige, at det er lykkedes godt for dem. 

De kræfter, grupperinger og familier der arbejder for ovenstående, også kaldet "The Woke Agenda" er præcis de samme grupper og familier der stod bag begge revolutioner i Kina og Rusland. Hvor de befinder sig geografisk ved jeg af gode grunde ikke, men det er ikke øst imod vest, det er denne lille ikke forlkevalgte magtelite, som fører krig imod hele verdens befolkning. 


Med hensyn til Covid, så gælder det om at lære det vigtigste ord i ordbogen: ”Nej!”

Sig nej til alt regeringen foreslår, de løj om alt. Maskerne beskyttede ikke, vaccinerne var ikke testede, de var ikke sikre men fulde af 1291 bivirkninger herunder hjerteslag og død, og de beskyttede ikke engang imod smitte. Vi skal under ingen omstændigheder med i WHO’s nye Pandemitraktat, hvor privatfinansierede og privatkontrollerede WHO ønsker at placere sig selv over vores Grundlov. WHO er finansieret af præcis de mennesker, der tjener penge på vacciner, og ledelsen er ikke folkevalgt men udpeget af ukendte personer.

Vi skal naturligvis have fredsløsninger i alle krige, og vi skal stoppe med at sende penge til det militær kriminelle pengevasknings kompleks. Hvis man er i tvivl, så lad international lov sammen med folkeafstemninger afgøre geografiske stridspunkter. Hellere en mægling, folkeafstemninger og en ny grænse end millioner af døde.

Send alle illegale mandlige immigranter i alderen 20 – 40 år tilbage til, hvor de kom fra. Og så afsæt besparelsen på militærbudgettet til genopbyggelsen af deres lande. Lad dem få deres egen Nationalbank ligesom Gaddafi’s Libyen havde og lad dem stå for deres egen økonomi. Deres centralbanker skal ikke længere være kontrolleret fra London, Paris og New York. Hvis de ”fattige” lande kan stå for sin egen pengeskabelse, så vil de kunne lave et økonomisk ”mirakel” ligesom Libyen var, før USA, UK og Danmark destruere landet på vegne af den internationale bank mafia.

Drop hele klima agendaen. Det er et gigantisk hoax. I stedet lad os få investeret i bæredygtig økonomisk udvikling. Der er masser af olie. Olie er ikke lavet af fossiler. Atomkraft er også meget mere sikkert end vi får at vide og biler kan køre på vand, det har de kunnet i 50 år, men opfinderne omkom som regel under mystiske omstændigheder.

På den helt korte bane for at undgå den økonomiske krise:

  1. Indfør rentefrie realkredit lån. Et lån per person over 18 år. Ingen rentefrie lån til virksomheder. Op til 80% af boligens værdi.
  2. Indfør en 1% afgift på alle digitale overførsler af penge. Bank overførsler, mobilepay og kredit kort betalinger. Brug af kontanter skal være afgiftsfri. Dette vil få de multinationale selskaber til at betale skat for første gang i verdenshistorien. Provenuet kunne passende benyttes til at sætte indkomstskatten ned.
  3. Stop al økonomisk bistand til det Militær kriminelle pengevasknings Komplex.


Med hensyn til den kommunistiske magtovertagelse, så er det vigtigt at folk som Joe Biden som åbenlyst har modtaget korruption fra Kina kommer for retten. Sker det ikke, ser det meget sort ud for vores Vestlige civilisation, eller hvad der er tilbage af den. Ligeledes er det vigtigt at når krigen i Ukraine er slut, at alle de personer, der har vasket penge i Ukraine kommer for retten. Nedenfor kommer jeg ind på hvor meget krigene bare siden 2008 har kostet hver eneste amerikanske statsborger...USD 77.000. Tænk hvilket liv de kunne have haft i USA, hvis en familie på fire i stedet for at USA bombede fattige mennesker langt væk, havde fået USD 308.000 skattefrit. For mange ville det være en livsændrende begivenhed, ikke mindst for de 5 millioner hjemløse og de 60 millioner på food stamps.

Forestil dig at alle disse penge blev benyttet til at skabe et godt liv for alle mennesker i stedet for død og ødelæggelse. Verden er ufatteligt rig. Det er den hemmelighed klimamafiaen, krigsmafiaen og bankmafiaen ikke vil have at du skal vide.

Med den skræmmende accelerende udvikling af forbrydelser imod menneskeheden, vi har set de sidste 5 til 10 til 15 år ja faktisk tilbage til 9-11, så er det meget vigtigt nu, at sætte fokus på ikke under nogen omstændigheder at afgive den mindste frihed til ikke folkevalgte organisationer, og vores eget "Folke"-ting, har spillet fallit ved at bryde vores Grundlov talrige gange med Bekendtgørelser. Så Folketinget skal også holdes i helt kort snor.

Trist at Stalin talte sandt, da han sagde, jeg er ligeglad med hvem folk stemmer på, så længe jeg tæller stemmerne. Sådan foregår det overalt, også i Vesten, det så vi eksempelvis i Januar 2020 i USA. Og vores vælgererklæringssystem har jeg ikke meget fidus til. Vi har ingen kontrol med, hvor mange vælgererklæringer vi har, og vi ved hvor besværligt systemet er, men "pudsigt nok", så kan nogle partier få 20.000 vælgererklæringer på en uges tid. Hvordan mon det foregår?

Vi befinder os på mange måder allerede midt i Orwell's mareridt.

Men vi har chancen, en lille chance, hvis du og mange flere bliver lidt modigere og taler med lidt større bogstaver, og faktabomber alle de godtroende mennesker, der tog alle 5 -6 giftindsprøjtninger og gik med maske og selv efter at Danmark har taget fejl i alle krige, de har været med i indtil videre siden Christian IV, så stadig tror på vores regering, at "denne gang er det anderledes". Denne gang er Putin lig med Hitler og når Israel slår babier ihjel, så har de nok en god grund til det. 

Nej det har de så ikke efter min mening, og heller ikke international lovgivning og menneskerettigheder. Det vil jeg belyse meget grundigt nedenfor. Så håber jeg, at du vil benytte informationerne i kampen for en bedre verden uden folkemord, etnisk udrensning, hvor stridigheder løses ved internationale domstole, mægling og fremfor alt folkeafstemninger, ligesom vi gjordei Slesvig og Holsten, da vi fik tilbudt at Danmark igen efter WWI kunne gå helt ned til 10 km fra Hamborg centrum. 

Det er muligt at finde mindelige løsninger med sine naboer. 

En opfordring til dig:

Hvis du vil leve i en verden med fred og fordragelighed med økonomiske løsninger, der sikrer alle som minimum et middelklasseliv, hvor al sult og fattigdom hører en hedengang tid til, så vil jeg stærkt anbefale dig, at ”put your money where your mouth is” og forny dit medlemskab til Velstandspartiet eller melde dig ind eller donere til Velstandspartiet.

Læs vores partiprogram på, så vil du se, at vi har løsningerne der sikrer alle et godt liv. Vores mærkesager har minimum 80% opbakning, hvis man spørger folk om dem enkeltvis, vi er således, hverken røde, blå, gule eller grønne, ej heller regnbue-farvet, som er så populært. Vi har simpelthen designet et partiprogram baseret på grundlæggende medmenneskelige værdier, hvor der er plads til alle, og hvor der i princippet kun er én regel.

  • Du må ikke stjæle

Det kunne jeg skrive meget om, men det er der ikke plads til her.

Specielt hvis du er velhavende, så vil jeg stærkt anbefale dig at du læser bogen The Great Taking, som du finder gratis på og ser The Great Taking – The Movie på min Twitter

"The Great Taking - The Movie"



eller på Rumble her

Hvis du ikke ønsker at leve i et bolshevistisk diktatur, hvor ”you will own nothing”, så vil jeg stærkt anbefale, at du som noget helt nyt begynder at donere penge til dem, der kæmper for det modsatte.

Jeg vil anbefale, du donerer penge til dem, der vil kreere en verden, hvor din private ejendomsret er ukrænkelig, ligesom der står i vores Grundlov.

Hvor meget bør du donere?

Ja, fjenden bruger hundrede vis af milliarder på at bestikke politikere, ansatte i ”tænketanke”, uddannelsessystemet, Hollywood, mainstream medier, så et godt sted at starte ville være at donere 1% af din formue. Hvis vi taber, så mister vi alle alt, ikke kun en procentdel. De mener det alvorligt med ”you will own nothing”.

Hvis du læser The Great Taking eller ser filmen, så vil du forstå, at de mener det alvorligt, ellers havde de ikke først lavet deres ”eksperimenter”* i Rusland/USSR og Mao’s Kina og derpå gradvist over mange år ændret lovgivningen, så de nu kan stjæle alle aktiver ”lovligt”, næste gang de laver en bankkrise, som de selv har indrømmet de gjorde i 1929* og 2008.

*Rockefeller har sagt offentligt, at han mente, at Mao’s kommunistiske styre, var et ”meget succesfuldt eksperiment”.

*Ben Bernanke tidligere Central Bank chef i the Federal Reserve i USA har offentligt indrømmet at The Federal Reserve stod bag crashet i 1929. Jeg mødte ham i et privat møde med to andre personer i Paris i 2004.

Jeg vil på det stærkeste opfordre dig til at støtte dem, der kæmper for dig. Det er blandt andre os.

Vi vil også kunne assistere dig med at allokere til frihedskæmpere rundt omkring i verden, som ulønnet har kæmpet imod de organisationer og personer, der begår forbrydelser imod menneskeheden.

For eksempel dem der talte på vores to Northern Light Conferences.

Du kan se deres præsentationer gratis på

Venlig hilsen

Mads Palsvig, formand Velstandspartiet


Situationen i Gaza:


Under hver afsnit vil der være links til opslag, der oplyser og underbygger mine teorier om, hvad der foregår.

Det vil hovedsageligt være første håndsvidners udsagn, jeg benytter, og videooptagelser af reelle hændelser.

I stærk modsætning til vores mainstream medier, som bruger 2. hånds vidners udsagn om, hvad de ”har hørt at andre har set”, så benytter jeg udelukkende 1. håndsvidners egne udsagn, om hvad de har set med egne øjne, og sågar i mange tilfælde indrømmelser af, hvad de selv har gjort.

Jeg er cand jur, og jeg kan forsikre jer for, at den type posts jeg har, de holder i retten, hvorimod 99% af hvad du ser eller læser i mainstream medier ikke holder i retten.

Når en dansk journalist for eksempel interviewer en anden journalist, så er det den mindst troværdige form for journalistisk man overhovedet kan foretage sig.

På en sikker anden plads kommer at en dansk journalist interviewer en ”ekspert” i for eksempel ”Mellemøstlige spørgsmål”, som ikke lige selv har været der, men ”har hørt” og efter ”hans overbevisning” så...

Ret ironisk så er det faktisk det tætteste man kommer på ”konspirations-teorier”, det der foregår i mainstream medier.

Det allerværste i mainstream medier er manglen på dementier efter de for eksempel har fortalt om 40 babyer med afhuggede hoveder og babyer i ovne, som alle de andre påstande, som alle har vist sig at være løgne.

Dette nyhedsbrev er pakket med eksempler på, hvad mainstream medier har sagt, som senere har vist sig at være pure opspind. Det har enten været en frygtbaseret falsk forestilling eller en direkte fabrikeret løgn benyttet som slet skjult undskyldning for selv at begå de værst tænkelige forbrydelser imod menneskeheden.

Under hvert af de syv ”kapitler” beskrevet ovenfor vil jeg komme med en kort indledning, hvor jeg beskriver, hvad du kan finde i det pågældende afsnit længere nede i nyhedsbrevet.


Lad os starte her:      


NB: Feb 24, 2020 ovenfor ....



         Falsk flag den 7. oktober


I dette afsnit vil jeg dokumentere at Hamas angrebet enten var et falsk flag a la Pearl Harbour og Lusitania, hvor USA og Israel havde forhåndsviden om, at det ville ske eller et falsk flag a la Operation Gladio og Operation Northwoods, hvor USA og Israel ikke alene vidste, at det ville ske, men havde agenter involveret i selve operationen.

Hvilke af de to typer falsk flag, der var tale om, ved jeg ikke med sikkerhed.

Men hvad ved vi med sikkerhed:

  1. Grænsen til Gaza er den bedst beskyttede i verden. Men den 7. oktober kunne flere hundrede Hamas soldater/”terrorister”/”frihedskæmpere” alt efter, hvordan man ser på dem, trænge ind over grænsen hele 15 steder uden at blive stoppet.
  2. I seks timer ringede Israelere der blev overfaldet af Hamas og taget som gidsler forgæves til myndighederne, som intet foretog sig.
  3. Derpå benyttede Israel Hannibal Direktivet og skød på alt der bevægede sig. Det er således klart, at Hamas forsøgte at tage gidsler og skød soldater, der er ingen konkrete beviser på, at de slog civile ihjel, derimod er der talrige vidneudsagn også fra Israelske soldater, der selv eksekverede ordrerne og fra Israelske aviser, der citerer deres kilder, at Hannibal Direktivet blev implementeret. Således blev de boliger i kibbutser, hvor Hamas havde taget gidsler, jævnet med jorden, den militærbase i Gaza, som Hamas havde indtaget blev jævnet med jorden, ligeledes en politistation og alle de biler, som blev benyttet af blandt andre unge mennesker, der flygtede fra en musikfestival i ørkenen skudt ned af Israelske militærhelikoptere, det kan man også se fra alle billederne med smeltede biler. Alle disse påstande vil blive grundigt bevist nedenfor.
  4. Medieløgnene Israel kom med vil blive gennemgået og det vil blive belyst nedenfor, at de var løgne.
  5. Vi vil komme ind på Israels støtte til Hamas siden starten af Hamas.
  6. Oktober 7 blev benyttet som undskyldning til at begå de største forbrydelser imod menneskeheden i hvert fald siden 2. verdenskrig. 






Først og fremmest vil jeg forklare, hvad Nakhba er. Og Plan Dalet.

Nakhba er folkemordet og folkefordrivelsen af Palæstinenserne i 1948.

Det vi ser nu, som hele vores Folketing støtter med vist nok enkelte spage undtagelser, er Nakhba 2.0. 

Der vil være førstehånds vidneudsagn fra blandt andre Israelere, der fortæller, hvordan og hvad de gjorde ved den Palæstinensiske befolkning i 1948. Der er intet som ”death beds confessions” eller psykopater, der vil blære sig med en forbrydelse, de slap afsted med.

At 100% af verdens befolkning har hørt Hollywoods version af Holocaust men indtil den 7. oktober sandsynligvis mindre end 1% havde hørt om Nakhba er et eksempel på den intense kontrol Zionisterne har over filmindustrien, massemedierne og uddannelsessystemet.

I dette afsnit vil jeg dokumentere at adskillige politikere fra talerstolen opfordrer til Folkemord. Og at de ofte refererer til Palestinensere som ”animals”.

Jeg vil komme ind på, hvad zionisme er. Det er en teori om, at de selv er ubermenschen og alle andre er untermenschen. NB: Ikke kun Palæstinensere er untermenschen. Og at de er berettiget til Lebensraum og har en Endlosung for ”det Palæstinensiske spørgsmål”. Det vil sige udryddelse og/eller fordrivelse.

Mens zionisterne aktivt arbejder for og står bag den illegale masseindvandring af hovedsageligt unge mænd til lande i Vesten fra lande USA og Europa har udplyndret og tæppebombet i årevis, så vil de ikke selv have nogen indvandring i Israel.



          Zionist medie manipulation



Først og fremmest vil jeg dokumentere, at der eksisterer en ”Zionist Playbook”. Zionisterne instruerer simpelthen sine agenter i, hvad de skal sige, hvor og hvornår.

Så kommer jeg ind på deres yndlingsvåben, at kalde alle, der er imod for eksempel at Israel begår forbrydelser imod menneskeheden for ”anti-semit”.

Det ville naturligvis ikke have så stor effekt, hvis ikke samtidig alle medier, uddannelsesinstitutioner, politikere og fremfor alt virksomheder herunder banker øjeblikkeligt bakkede op med en fuldstændig udelukkelse fra ”det gode selskab”. Folk er rædselsslagne for at blive kaldt ”anti-semit”.

Dels fordi det er ekstremt forfærdeligt at blive beskyldt for at være en person, der ønsker at alle jøder, skal slås ihjel inklusive kvinder og børn i gaskamre. Dels fordi folk ved at zionisterne ”fight dirty” og ikke vil sky nogle midler for at ødelægge vedkommendes økonomiske liv og sociale kontakter.

Jeg vil komme ind på Talmud’en. Torah’en er dybest set Det Gamle Testamente, men Talmud’en er en bog, der blev skrevet efter Kristi fødsel for at stoppe jøderne fra at konvertere til Kristendommen. Talmud’en er den mest racistiske bog nogen sinde skrevet. Det er samtidig den mest sataniske og den bog der allermest promoverer og opfordrer til pædofili nogensinde. Ikke mine ord, men ord direkte i Talmud’en. Det kan måske give indikationer på, hvem det er der pt ønsker at lovliggøre pædofili i FN og WHO. Nedenfor vil du finde fire officielle dokumenter fra FN og WHO, hvor de gør netop det.

I Talmud'en opfordres der direkte til at lyve overfor gentiles altså ikke jøder. 

Jeg vil vise adskillige beviser på, hvor de vestlige mediers påstande om hvad der skete navnlig den 7. oktober viste sig at være medieløgne.

Der vil være eksempler på, hvorledes zionisterne styrer mainstream medier, Hollywood og US Congress.

Det vil blive belyst, hvem der kom med løgnehistorien om 40 afhuggede hoveder på babyer og babyer i ovne.



           Apartheid Stat



Hvordan Israel kan slippe afsted med at have en 100% apartheid stat i 2023 er totalt uforståeligt for mig.

Til belysning, af hvorledes Israel er en apartheid stat, refererer jeg til bogen ”Jewish History, Jewish Religion” af Israel Shahak, tidligere medlem af Knesset. 

Adskillige andre Israelske og jødiske akademikere belyser ligeledes emnet.

Forskellen på hvorledes Palestinensere og Israelere behandles i retsvæsenet og fængsler belyses.

De ulovlige bosættelser på Vestbredden.

Første hånds vidneudsagn fra Israelske gidsler i Hamas fangenskab samt første hånds vidneudsagn fra Palestinensiske fanger i Israelske fængsler om, hvorledes de bliver behandlet belyses indgående.

Vi ser på, hvordan Geneve Konventionen tilsiger, at krigsfanger skal behandles. Vi ser, hvordan Israel behandler sine krigsfanger. It ain’t pretty.

Børnefanger i Israel, der aldrig har været for en dommer, kun en ”administrativ militær domstol”. Disse børn bliver ofte sat i bure udenfor, inklusive om natten, hvor det kan blive ret koldt.

Hvordan børn undervises i skolen at de skal se på folk fra andre religioner.

Talrige vidneudsagn fra Israelsk såvel som Palæstinensisk ungdom.

Der vises eksempler på, hvorledes mange Israelere demonstrerer imod regeringen og specielt imod Netanyahu.

Straf for at læse politisk materiale imod apartheid.

Flere Israelere der taler for folkemord. Ikke mine ord. Deres egne ord.

Der bliver lavet en sammenligning af situationen i Gaza og i Ukraine og en opfordring til Premier League om at det måske var en ide reelt at være ”imod racisme”, det er lidt ironisk at spillerne skal knæle ”imod racisme”, mens de ikke må være imod et folkemord på Palæstinensere.

Og hvorfor er Israel og USA ikke udelukket fra De Olympiske Lege og VM i Fodbold, hvis Rusland er?

Er det ikke racisme?



          Bombningen af Gaza


Vi ser på, hvad der foregår. Videodokumentation. El, vand, internet er lukket, det er grænsen ligeledes.

Selveste UNICEF taler nu også imod folkemordet, så må det være helt galt.

Selv Læger Uden Grænser bliver bombet. Og journalister. Og kirker og hospitaler og skoler.

Børn bliver opereret uden bedøvelse, fordi Israel har lukket grænsen for medicinske forsyninger til civilbefolkningen. Ifølge Israels regering er alle Palæstinensere Hamas terrorister, også børn.

Vi ser, hvilken politisk leder er den eneste, der taler imod at børn ikke engang kan få bedøvelse til at blive opereret.

Vi ser Israelske kilder, der belyser at de bomber civile med vilje. 



          Nuremberg 2.0


Vi ser en dokumentarfilm om 911. 

Vi gennemgår, hvor meget hver eneste Amerikaner kunne have fået udbetalt skattefrit, hvis USA havde valgt at producerer pengene til gavn for den almindelige Amerikanske statsborger i stedet for det Militært Kriminelle Pengevasknings Kompleks og dets krige.

Bare siden 2008, hvor Obama blev præsident taler vi om, at hver Amerikansk statsborger kunne have fået udbetalt USD 77.000. Eller en familie med far, mor og to børn = USD 308.000

Der bliver belyst forskellige politiske løsninger.

Kravet om at Netanyahu kommer for en krigsdomstol bliver fremført, blandt andet af demonstranter foran hans hjem og konkrete tiltag fra advokater i Frankrig og Tyrkiet bliver belyst.

Vi kommer ind på, hvem der er terrorister i verden. Findes der andre terrorister end CIA og Mossad?

Enkelte politikeres udsagn om at stoppe folkemordet i Gaza.

Trump fortæller om hans forsøg på at mægle fred mellem Abbas og Netanyahu.

Hvem er George Soros?

Diverse vidnesbyrd inklusive fra Abu Ghraib fængslet.

Hvis Biden sagde, at Rusland havde begået et Folkemord, men Israel har slået flere civile ihjel på den første måned end Rusland på to år, hvad er det så der foregår i Gaza?



En af verdens førende akademikere og ekspert i Internationale Forhold fra University of Chicago John Mearsheimer har undersøgt, hvor mange demonstrationer der var pro Palæstinenserne:

Fra den 7-13 oktober = 69%

Efter den 13 oktober = 95%

Altså kun 5% pro Israel og her er Israel lobbyen nødt til at betale demonstranterne USD 250 per person.

Eftersom der er mellem 3-7% sociopater og psykopater, så må man konkludere, at nu er hele den normale del af verdens befolkning på Palæstinas side.

Jeg vil mene, at alle der ikke er imod zionismen er enten:

  • Psykopater
  • Selvvalgt ignorante tåber
  • Dybt korrupte
  • Og hvis du er politiker, så sandsynligvis alle tre ovenfor.

Holocaust overlever kommer ind på, hvorledes zionismen samarbejdede med nazismen, det er nok lidt lettere at forstå den sammenhæng efter begivenhederne i Gaza de sidste otte uger.

911 var et falsk flag ligesom Den 7. Oktober, USS Liberty, Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Ajax med mange flere.

Bank mafiaen vil tage alt du ejer, “you will own nothing”. Filmen The Great Taking – The Movie demonsterer hvorledes.

IMF’s metode til at udplyndre land efter land belyses.

Findes atomvåben? To spændende bog referencer.

Hvad må man ikke sige på Twitter?

Diverse folkemord, du sandsynligvis aldrig har hørt om, fordi du ved hvem styrer medierne, Hollywood og uddannelsessystemet, belyses.

Har Israel en ret til ”selvforsvar”? En juraprofessor svarer.

Dokumenter fra FN og WHO, der vil normalisere pædofili, hvis ”barnet selv vil”.


Se endelig filmen: ”The Mystery of Israel” fra






                           Falsk flag den 7. oktober


                           Zionist medie manipulation

                           Apartheid Stat

                           Bombningen af Gaza

                           Nuremberg 2.0





Falsk flag den 7. oktober         


Israeli Rafael Ayon had his radio equipment confiscated before October 7th and returned after October 7th. He tried to warn the Israeli army, but was told he was “blocked” from someone “in the top”                                               VIEWS 181.000

“The world will discover that most of those civilians claimed to be killed by Palestinians were actually killed by the Israeli army, which was acting with anger and madness”                                             

One more example of the Hannibal Directive: Israeli media confirm that Israel’s military on 7 Oct had orders of shooting to kill terrorists without considering civilian casualties: - “Are there civilians inside?”  “I don’t know. Just shoot!”                                    

The Hannibal Directive was implemented on October 7th:

Even The New York Times has to acknowledge October 7th was a false flag operation like Pearl Harbour and Lusitania.

It might surprise you that Hamas never invaded Israel on Oct 7. They went into areas like “Ashkelon” that are recognised as Palestinian land even by the United Nations.                                             

If you don't know what a false flag is, then read this post.

The foul allegations of rape have been dropped by the Israeli government. The forty beheaded babies has been downscaled to one dead baby, not beheaded, and killed by persons unknown. Two thirds of Israelis killed on October 7 were military personnel The killers of the remaining one third are definitively revealed to have been in part the Israeli armed forces themselves. Those with influence who spread the propaganda to the contrary stand exposed as War Criminals and now much blood stains their character for ever.                                             

Facts about Hamas:          

Here is another proof, that the only terrorists in the world are from CIA, Mossad, MI5 and organisations acting on behalf of them and the deep state. If there was any real terrorists, they would not go after freedom fighting good people working to improve the lives of ordinary citizens.

In this short video I explain how much the wars have actually cost the average US citizen. USD 77.000 per person or USD 308.000 for a family of four.

Israeli woman who managed to escape the Hamas siege Reveals Posterchild was Killed by an IDF Tank                                      12-year-old Hetzroni was not murdered by Hamas…                                             

Looks as if the hostages are okay considering the obviously hard psychological ordeal they have been through and also considering the dangers to their life from Israel’s implementation of the Hannibal Directive.          

When CNN admits the Zionist lies and create false flags then you know it is really bad.

Brief History of the Netanyahu-Hamas Alliance "For 14 years, Netanyahu's policy was to keep Hamas in power;

New reports suggest IDF used Apache helicopters on the doomed music festival during the 7 October Hamas attack which might explain how so many cars ended up destroyed in this Manner

Israel's Haaretz reports that an Israeli official investigation has determined that an IDF helicopter killed Israeli civilians at the Nova rave party on 7 October.

(I told u so)

As time passes, more and more evidence accumulates, indicating early signs of the terror attack on October 7th, which did not receive proper attention.

ISRAEL & HAARETZ (Israeli media)  have now confined that an ISRAELI HELICOPTER MURDERED ISRAELI CIVILIANS on October 7th!

Did Israeli helicopters bomb all the cars 7. October? (video) It is already confirmed that IDF bombed all houses in Israel Hamas took hostages in, including Kibbutses, police stations and the main military base at the border of Gaza killing Hamas and Israeli hostages. So most of the 683 killed Israelis were killed by IDF.  We also know Netanyahu allowed Hamas to cross the border 15 places and that the Israeli army did not help Israelis being attacked by Hamas the first six hours.

Israel admits apache helicopters fired on their own civilians running from the Supernova music festival. “The pilots realised that there was tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the occupied outposts and settlements who was a terrorist and who was a soldier or civilian…

Israeli mainstream media released this video of Israeli Defence Forces helicopters firing on October 7th. This is likely to be the reason for a large number of the 1,400 Israeli victims

This is how so many cars at the music festival ended up destroyed. Apache helicopters!

FYI : The IDF collected all the destroyed cars and arranged them one month after the incident.

Drone footage from the scene of the music festival shows the damaged cars before they were rearranged by the IDF.

This is is why we saw images of burned people inside their cars.  Obviously a gun does not make this damage, but an Israeli apache helicopter does. Israel showed these images to journalists to justify their genocide in Gaza.

More footage from the Israel Apache helicopters shooting at cars: “The Apache pilots testify that they fired a huge amount of munitions, emptied the ‘belly of the helicopter’ in minutes, flew to re-arm and returned to the air, again and again. One Apache pilot reflected on the tortuous dilemma of whether to shoot at people and cars returning to Gaza. He knew that many of those vehicles may have contained Israeli captives. But he chose to open fire anyway.

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says

Here is an example of one of the houses in the kibbutz that were shelled by Israeli tanks.

Likewise Israel has admitted to shelling Israeli civilian homes killing at-least 112 Israelis in the process.

Multiple eyewitnesses from the music festival report being fired on by their own Israeli forces

Using Israeli sources we can confirm October 7th: - Hamas took hostages and Israel did the killing and bombing using The Hannibal Directive, which is an Israeli directive, whereby they kill their own soldiers or people if they are taken hostage.

Israeli Haaretz: "The police investigation found that a military helicopter that fired at Hamas on the Nova festival apparently also hit some participants of the festival"








The deputy speaker of Israel’s Knesset, Nissim Vaturi, has called for Gaza to be burnt down.

“We need ze endlosung und Lebensraum”:                    Member of Knesset speaks out                 


Documentary: Jewish eyewitness accounts of the Nakhba in 1948. What took place? Listen to some of the things they did to the Palestinians in their own words.

(2) Mads Palsvig på X: "Documentary: Jewish eyewitness accounts of the Nakhba in 1948. What took place? Listen to some of the things they did to the Palestinians in their own words." / X (

“Plan Dalet” (Plan D). The country - only eleven percent owned by Jewish immigrants, who make up less than a third of the inhabitants - should be systematically cleared for final Jewish settlement, and any means is acceptable to achieve this. “If you want to better understand the core conflict in the Middle East, you should read Ilan Pappe’s book

NAKBA 2023 The 1948 Nakba Palestinian forced displacement from their homeland never ended. It is ongoing. This time, in Gaza, in a way we have never witnessed before.

There is nothing like death beds confessions       

Let me introduce to you Johnny Come Lately from Norway                 

These are the people the government of USA and EU are supporting. Listen to what the Zionists say in their own words.                 

"Freudian slip" that will go down in history: ‘Sweden and the EU are unanimous that Israel has the right to genoc… to protect its people’.

Another “Freudian slip”: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's spokesperson on CNN: “We are not targeting anyone else in Gaza but civilians”

Important video about how the deep state manipulated the public through the media and with the help of their puppets                 

The German’s are so beaten up they will do whatever their Zionist slavemasters tell them as long as they don’t kill them like they did from 1945-1948 when 15 Mio Germans were killed. - Germany says raids underway on homes of Hamas supporters 

Rabbis' answer to a Muslim's question.               

Ashkenazi so-called Jews never migrated from the Middle East!*                 

Unelected but selected baby-killers:                    

When asked why the Israeli forces were shooting dead protesters at the Gaza crossings,

Michal Maayan — "Well, we can't put all these people in jail."                 

 “There’s no Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There’s only a brutal Israeli occupation.” -The editor in chief of Israel’s largest English language newspaper.  


Israel minister of Defence just said anyone opposing Israel  “should all die” no matter whether “they wear a Kalashnikov  or a three piece suit”.             

Here Israeli soldiers threatens to "gas" the Palestinians

This is the kind of summary executions the most evil army in the world commits every day in Palestine:

- Shooting a child running with his father waving a white flag.

South African diplomat stands up for the Palestinians while the Israelis destroy yet another olive field.                 

This is a video of a person destroying a building. This is a video of a sadist psychopathic neo-nazi. He believes he is an ubermenchen and entitled to lebensraum and with an endlosung for a whole people                 

An honest Israeli reports how Israel killed Palestinian children playing football on the beach.                 

He tells what they did to the Palestinians when he was a soldier. Read Arthur Koestler’s “The 13th tribe”. Aske-nazi Jews are not semites.

The Undersecretary of UN on the situation in Gaza:

Many of the 150 Palestinian hostages  being released by Israel in exchange for Israeli hostages have not had any judicial oversight. They are simply being detained. Some for twenty years without being in front of a judge.                 

2000 prisoners in Israel of whom 200 are children as young as 12 years old are held in Israeli prisons in so called administrative detention.         

Nakhba 2.0 victims:                

This 8 month pregnant Palestinian woman is stabbed to death by an Israeli settler right in front of her two children. These kinds of murders happen daily and in a country where multiple politicians call Palestinians animals, they go unpunished.

Israeli Minister of Heritage Amichai Eliyahu has said that in the ongoing aggression against Gaza, "one of the possible options" for Israel is dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip. Source : Haaretz

Not all members of Knesset are Zionist psychopaths.

Sky News Even mainstream media is reporting how the zionist perform their ethnic cleansing. Here an entire Palestinian village on the West Bank is being taken over by zionist settlers.

The West used to be against apartheid in Southafrica. Now The West is Pro-Apartheid in Israel.

Have you condemned Israel? Have you condemned Hamas?  I have condemned Hamas for attacking civilians.   What about you?  Have you also condemned Israel for bombing homes, hospitals, schools?  For killing tens of thousands of civilians, children and babies? Have you condemned Israel? For attacking and bombing all its neighbors at whim? For violating 60+ UN resolutions and getting away with impunity?  For terrorizing the entire Palestinian population. For committing horrible atrocities for 100 years? Have you condemned Israel? For breaking world record in manufacturing lies upon lies?  For insulting your intelligence by churning out many stupid low quality lies?  Have you condemned Israel? For bribing or blackmailing your politicians, for hijacking your government, for controlling the MSM? For silencing the critics of its psychopathic tradition of violating human rights? For its audecity to challenge the UN, the institution that Israel owes its existence to? Have you conemned Israel? For being a bloody and ugly Goliath, yet pretending to be poor David? Have you condemned Israel for harassing, torturing and keeping 7,000+ Palestinians as hostages in its dungeons?   Have you condemned Israel?  For stealing Palestinian homes, lands and hopes? For turning their life into hell?  For torturing and suffocating millions of Palestinians in concentration camps? For being an Apartheid state.  Have condemned Israel for commiting genocide?  Have you called Zionists, like Albert Einstein did in 1948, as "Terrorists. ... akin to Nazis and Fascist Parties"? Yes my brother/sister:

If you have not yet condemned Israel 777 times, you have no right to ask, let alone dictate, others to condemn Hamas!

Here is the proof of genocide

Here are Einstein's two letters depicting Zionists as "Terrorists ... akin to Nazis and Fascist Parties" and a few pictures showing coward Z-gestapos in action!

More eyewitness accounts:

Israeli soldiers testimony to how they harass Palestinians:

Israeli eyewitness confess and deeply regrets:

Another example of apartheid in Israel. Palestinians can only access the spring after 7 PM.

Old video showing Israeli Zionist trying to steal the garden of a Palestinian woman.

If you want to know more about the apartheid in Israel,

I suggest you read

"Jewish History, Jewish Religion" by Israeli scholar, peace activist and former member of the Knesset Israel Shahak.

Nova city  &    The 1948 Plan Dalet

Why are so many politicians and even leaders of countries supporting Israel’s ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Palestinian people? - watch this short video and find out:

Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain are de facto fine with ethnic cleaning and genocide of the Palestinians.

If any one called the Danes animals and set out to exterminate the Danes I wouldn’t have a problem killing them. In fact I wouldn’t think twice. Even if they allegedly had suffered a genocide themselves.

how many dead Palestinians is enough, & Republican @michellesalzman responded: "All of them."

Israel TV host threaten America and the world: - "We are ready to enter a confrontation with America and the entire world. We will kill as much from you and those who support you"

GOOD things Israel does NOT have NÙCLEAR WEAPONS.

Read: "Hiroshima revisited" by Michael Palmer.

And read: "Death Object Exploding" by Akio Nakatani

Norman Finkelstein

These beautiful young Jewish women are waking up to the reality they are not on “the side of goodness and righteousness”

Palestine 1996 (Video)

Israel kills 6.403 children and babies in incubators and destroys hospitals and private homes. Hamas kills IDF soldiers and destroys tanks.


If you're a supporter of #modRNAgenocide you're either a complete moron or a psychopath.

If you're a supporter of #GenocideInGaza you're either a complete moron or a psychopath.

If you're a supporter of both you're either a complete moron or a psychopath squared.

End of story!



Zionist medie manipulation    



There is actually a Zionist play book. So when you now see trolls in all freedom groups calling people "anti-semite" if they are against the killing of 5.000 Palestinian children, they are actually following a plan and a scripted instruction in how to shame people into silence. Now is the time to throw out all trolls of real freedom fighting groups. COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT OF A PEOPLE IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. KILLING CHILDREN IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. Both is against the Geneva Convention and all human rights and decency.

Here is the Zionist Playbook, where their trolls are instructed in calling anyone against Israel committing war crimes an "anti semite".

Repeating second hand stories of “eye witness” testimony is a pathetic form of evidence It didn’t happen and your own media admits there is no evidence.


Hi Twitter,

Calling someone an "anti semite" is a very serious allegation. In that allegation is a connotation that the person condone the genocide of all Jews including women and children in gas chambers. The zionists have paid trolls being instructed in an actual zionist playbook

Even the members of Congress are fed up with Zionist trolls calling them “anti-Semite”.

Why did IDF  delete their Hamas propaganda video?

According to the Talmud it is okay to cheat a gentile.

You said there were rapes.  There weren't.

You said there was a massacre.  You shot most of the victims yourself.

You said there were beheaded babies.  There weren't.

You said there were burnt babies.  There weren't.

You said 'flee to the south" then bombed the routes to the south.

You said you didn't bomb the hospital.  You bombed the hospital.

You said there was an epicenter of tunnels in a bunker under Al Shifa hospital.  There are some guns in a box, that you probably put there.  No bunker.

Israel admits there are no tunnels being used under Al Shifa hospital.

Watch this important video with proofs and evidence about what really have taken place.                 

As always the Zionists have absolutely no shame. They know the deeply corrupt mainstream media will peddle any blatant lies they come with. - The IDF reuploaded their staged evidence video after they realized they forgot to blur their own laptop

The Saudis are Muslim Zionists Just like America is Christian Zionists And Israel is Jewish Zionists

What it’s like to have a conversation with ISRAEL  

What has the Zionists ever done for the Christian societies?                 

Today it is 60 years ago that President John F Kennedy was killed. The speech below is one of the best and most significant speeches ever given.

As we can see in Palestine where a special group of people are allowed to kill babies in incubators….and the world does nothing ….because ..,, holocaust…

Never again          Let them fight their own wars            F…ing cowards                 

Young people know that Zionism is the enemy of the world. The Zionist organisation ADL that tries to manipulate the opinion of people is deeply concerned.

It is about time to stop the zionists manipulation of media, education and the entertainment industry. They are systematically destroying the fabric of society.     

If Words Were Violence: Ben Shapiro vs Ben Shapiro.

This is how Zionists operate in this case through ADL threatening a sovereign country:                 

Accusing the enemy of what you are doing is what psychopaths do. While we have seen the hostages in Palestian custody realeased in good condition smiling to their captors, saying they were treated well, we have here a first hand withness testimony to the conditions in the Israeli prison system.

FACT: We can now confirm that between 700 - 900 Palestinian children have had limbs amputated as a consequence of Israeli bombings. Mainstream: Not a single of the stories the Israeli army came with on October 7th such as beheaded babies and babies in ovens has been corroborated by facts. Public: These totally made up stories were used without any shred of fact-checking by the corrupt media and absorbed by a  gullible population brainwashed by too many Hollywood movies.                 

Shahid Bolsen explains a new term: - “Karma-fodder”

Insider graphic showing the connection between the globalists and their media accomplices                    

Blatant censorship in US and UK Shellenberger: "US and UK military contractors" deployed "sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics... against the American people."

Knowledgeable young woman sums it all up

Listen to this first hand witness.

Israel controls the US Congress.

Listen exactly how they do it:   

Dear Twitter/X   Please explain why I am shadow banned?                 

The BBC has edited out multiple calls for a ceasefire in Gaza from the Scottish Bafta Awards ceremony                 

I wonder why less than 1% of the World population know about the Holodomor. And close to 100% know about the Holocaust? 

I can totally recognize this from my last eight years:       How to sabotage an organization …                 

Comedian JP Spears               

How can the Zionists afford to pay demonstrators USD 250? Well if you control the privately owned Federal Reserve then it is easy.

I’m still shadow banned.          

Hollywood is supporting genocide and endlosung. Time to boycott racist Hollywood. No more Zionist privilege.                 

In less than 2 minutes, the representative for the State of Palestine at the UN, eviscerates the entire myth of Western "civilization" under the US Military Industrial Complex.

Israel: Kills 6.403 children in 40 days  UEFA, FIFA, Olympic Committee: - “Noooot, a problem”

Only zionists would lie about killing babies “in incubators” (1991 first gulf war) to hoodwink the American people to attack its enemies to then have the hrutsbe to literally kill babies in incubators.

Kanye West: - “The red are the executives that are Jewish”. Talking about Hollywood.

Former CIA director James Woolsey admitted that the agency interfered in other countries' elections. We destroy democracies, while we pretend to spread "freedom & democracy".

Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice

How many Palestinian children are killed? Remember the lie about “40 beheaded babies”? For someone who allegedly cares “a lot” about babies they do kill an awful lot of children.

A Palestinian child in a hospital. Not a false flag fake news about “40 beheaded babies” but an actual child:

This crisis actor came up with the story about babies in ovens. Turns out from the official list of dead Israelis that the youngest was 3 years old.

Israel is paying influencers on social media to support them.

Listen to this scholar: How the media is manipulating black people

Not once in human history was it the good guys who introduced censorship

Knesset amended the Counter-Terrorism Law to criminalize the "consumption of terrorist publications," which is passive social media use, with a penalty of up to one year's imprisonment.

How do goyims/gentiles, who have been traumatised by Hollywood and Zionist controlled media and educational system, look like:

I strongly support campaigns like this with public shaming of corporations and people supporting the genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

This doctor from Doctors Without Borders describes the situation in Gaza on the BBC

American Nurse Emily Callahan is interviewed on CNN @andersoncooper  talking about her experience for 26 days in Gaza.

Actual babies in incubators in Gaza.

Not the imaginary ones from Belgium 1917, Kuwait 1991 and Israel October 7th 2023 all lies by the Zionists to manipulate the American people to fight the enemies of the Zionists.

"The woke mind virus is communism rebranded".

I concur

Zionists have three cards they play in order to manipulate and control the world.

One of them is gone, they played it a last time.

The second will be gone, when you have read this post.

The third we still need to work on a bit.

CARD 1. The Holocaust Card

CARD 2. The Samson Option

CARD 3. Controlling the money creation and who is allowed to benefit from it.


CARD 1:  They play the victim

CARD 2: They play the monster

CARD 3: They pay off the people, whom they can't control with card 1 or card 2


CARD 1: The Holocaust card

They played it in order to kill 6.403 children including babies in incubators.

No one will ever watch a Hollywood movie about holocaust ever again.

The hyporicy is too blatant.

CARD 2: The Samson option.

It is basically Israel threatening to destroy the whole world with their nuclear weapons, if they get invaded by a foreign army.

Thing is....

Nuclear weapons do NOT exist.

Fire bombs exist, even big bombs exist, and bombs with depleted uranium exist, but nuclear bombs as we are told do NOT exist.


Read: "Hiroshima revisited" by Michael Palmer.

And read:

"Death Object Exploding" by Akio Nakatani.

CARD 3: They control all central banks in the world except Cuba, Syria, Iran and North Korea. China runs two systems, so they also have an independent monetary policy, which is why they have so much growth. They use this control of the money creation to enrich themselves and to bribe politicians, journalists, educators and film producers.

As an example during Obama the amount of USD created increased from USD 8 Trillion to USD 16 trillion.

Let me translate that:

Equivalent to USD 25.000 per person

During Trump the money creation was not so big. But during Biden it has increased from USD 16 trillion to USD 33 Trillion or another USD 52.000 per US citizen.

Nearly all of this money creation was spend on wars as money laundering operations.

From the privately owned Federal Reserve, yes it is privately owned, to the Military Criminal Compleks and then back to Biden, Banksters and globalists for them to spend as they see fit.

Had the money creation not been used for wars, but actually paid out to the citizens of the USA each family of four would have received USD 308.000 tax free.

Imagine what a life changing and in many cases life saving event that would have been especially for the 6 mio homeless Americans and 55 Mio Americans on food stamps, imagine how many American people who would have had a chance to take the education they always dreamed of or pay for the medical care they can't afford?

I have dedicated the last 8 years to explaining this fact.

I have sadly not been very successful.

Had I been more successful, they would not have been able to pull off the "Putin is Hitler"-card and start the Ukraine war and the "Holocaust"-card and start the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

Please, please please educate yourself on Card 2+3.

Card 1 we ALL understand they can NEVER play again


Lastly I want to compliment the Jewish people of Israel for how many protested against he Lock Down and the vaccine mandates

and how many protested against Netanyahu's attempt of judicial reform where he would abolish the power of the court and place that under his control

and how many Israelis who are against Netanyahu even after the war has started, according to an Israeli newspaper over 80% of Israelis oppose Netanyahu.

I am impressed because it was nearly impossible to get over 1.000 people out in Denmark for protests until now, only the protests against the genocide in Palestine has finally gotten the Danes in the streets.


With regards to CARD 1+2

Because they played card 1 and because card 2 is not a real option:

It is clear the Zionists will lose.

There are two options:

A: A two state solution where Palestinians and Israelis live in peace together and acknowledge each other like PLO wanted and agreed with Israel should happen and Israel broke.

B: A one state solution without apartheid.


Apartheid Stat         

Israel, the only apartheid regime in the Middle East.

These are the children Israel is genociding.

Noah Chomsky speaks about Hamas and Israel   

Any one supporting Israel is supporting apartheid. This is how a Palestinian family is treated:                   

Israel kidnapped Nufuz Ahmad at 14, from inside her school in Jerusalem, in 2021. They agreed to exchange her for Israeli hostages today. Israeli guards attacked her, just before her release, and hurt her so badly, that she is now hospitalised.

One of the parties are beating and mistreating their prisoners. I’m talking about the only apartheid regime in the Middle East:           

Meanwhile, how do the Israeli settlers treat the Palestinians on the West Bank. Let’s hear an eye witness:

This is an EYEWITNESS account, This is how Hamas treated their prisoners.  Meanwhile Palestinian prisoners are beaten up and starved in Israeli prisons.

Okay let us compare how prisoners are being treated in Israel and by Hamas. These are two EYE-WITNESS accounts, one from each:  

Israel keep child prisoners in open air cages like animals, Which incidentally is what a large number of members of the Knesset have called the Palestinians.

Here is one of your Hamas "terrorists": Zeina was jailed charged with incitement for posting a picture of a Palestinian flag on social media.  Kept for two years and tortured by Israelis.  She is now 18 years old. When she was released Israeli nazi police came to her family to intimidate them not to celebrate her release.

Here is another first hand eye witness:  - A young Israeli hostage released by Hamas says she was treated very well.  All the stories about rape is as much a lie as the Israeli stories about beheaded babies and babies in ovens.  Meanwhile Palestinian prisoners and hostages do not receive the same kindness from the Übermenschen, who believe they are entitled to lebensraum and from the Knesset talk about their Endlosung to their Palestinian/Semitic problem.

More first hand witnesses confirms yet again a totally different treatment by Hamas of their hostages than how Israel treat their Palestinian prisoners and hostages.     

And here is how a Palestinian boy is treated in Israel custody.                 

17 Israeli soldiers rape an 11-year old Palestinian girl. This is from Israeli media:

Remember according to the Talmud it is okay to kill gentiles.

This is what children in Israel is being taught to sing.

These are the views of mentally healthy young Israeli people.                 

This is a young Palestinian Nakhba-survivor         

This insistence on destroying homogenous countries

Important historic document:   

Daniel Levy makes some fair points among others that the US sees Israel as a settler country                 

You got to admit the zionazis are really inventive when it comes to crimes against the Palestinians.                 

this little girl is a “HAMAS TERRORIST.”

I don’t think you can say that all Jews like Christians. So what are these Jews? “Anti-Christian’s”? Why is that not “a thing”?


One year in prison for reading material against the Israeli government. Zionism does seem more and more like a certain Central European political movement 90 years ago with a leader with a small moustache incidentally funded by Zionists banks.

Head of Israel Prison System calls the Palestinians animals and condones genocide.

This is how Israelis treat Palestinian prisoners.

According to the Geneva Convention you are not allowed to

- treat prisoners of war in an inhumane way,

- you are not allowed to parade them and

- you are not allowed to mock them.

Of course the psychopathic cult of ubermenschen breaks the Geneva Convention.

THIS IN HEBRON… Far away from Gaza. Here Israeli soldiers have kidnapped Palestinian fathers and sons from their homes and have beaten, tortured, now killed nearly 200 of them. This is what genocide looks like.

“Why is Israel so special!?”, asks this lady.

Because the politicians in the US has dual citizenship Israel and American. As do all the members of The Federal Reserve who prints the money out of thin air to fund the wars against the enemy’s of the Zionists.

Is it just me but isn’t this very much like in a certain large Central European nation about 90 years ago? Israeli police arrested at least 5 Palestinian former Knesset members for  attempting to organize a small protest against the Gaza slaughter

This South African Lady knows a thing or two about apartheid:

Now even Jewish people get artested for antisemitism!

Israeli Police Brutally Attack Anti-Zionist Jews IN ISRAEL!

Jews shout: "Nazis, Nazis, Nazis at the Zionist Israeli police who raided the Mea shearim neighborhood in Jerusalem. Zionists are today's Nazis.’

Here is a Jewish lawyer in New York. I am not calling him a Nazi, but he does want to kill all Palestinians, so this time it would be etymologically correct to call him an “anti-Semite”.

I wonder when The Premier League will be protesting against racism against Russians and Palestinians.

Right now

- Israel is playing international football while their compatriots are creating lebensraum and completing their endlosung because they believe they are ubermenchen.

- Azerbadsjan who just totally ethnically cleansed a part of Armenia played football Thursday. An entire region lost the homes where their people had lived for hundreds of years.


- Russia who WERE WELCOMED by the Russian speaking Ukrainians in Donbas and Luhansk, because they were being bombed by the government CIA installed in 2024, is not allowed to play international football.


QUESTION:  - to the Olympic Committee, UEFA, FIFA and the Premier League:

- “If Russia kills 6.403 Ukrainian children, makes 70% of the Ukrainian people homeless from relentless bombing of civilian buildings, destroys half of the houses of Ukraine,plus 95 government buildings and 74 churches. Would Russia be admitted to take part in the Olympic’s together with the war criminal nations USA, Israel, France, UK and Denmark?Would Russia be allowed to take part in international football?Considering the Premier League is so much against racism, would they consider allowing Russian players to play in the Premier League again if they achieve the above targets that Israel so impressively has reached in such a short space of time”?


These Zionists do look a bit like an ideology 80 years ago believing: - they were ubermenchen - entitled to lebensraum - and therefore an endlosung

The Zionist mass murdering government of Israel has declared the demonstration against the genocide of Palestinians for illegal.

This is a zionist, he clearly believes ethnically cleansing the Palestinians.

What nation would have child prisoners? What nation would place them in cages outdoors overnight?

Shahid Bolsen on Muslim supremacism:

Jews who are true to the Torah has always been opposed to Zionism.

Jewish people in New York demonstrate on Grand Central Station in support of the Palestinians.

Jews in Jerusalem protest in support of the Palestinians

Jews at a pro Palestine demonstration.

Zionists believe “diversity” is great everywhere. Except: - in Israel

From the book "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" by Israeli scholar, peace activist and former member of the Knesset Israel Shahak.

Page 90 


 Murder and Genocide

According to the Jewish religion, the murder of a Jew is a capital offence and one of the three most heinous sins (the other two being idolatry and adultery). Jewish religious courts and secular authorities are commanded to punish, even beyond the limits of the ordinary administration of justice, anyone guilty of murdering a Jew.

A Jew who indirectly causes the death of another Jew is, however, only guilty of what talmudic law calls a sin against the ‘laws of Heaven’, to be punished by God rather than by man.

When the victim is a Gentile, the position is quite different. A Jew who murders a Gentile is guilty only of a sin against the laws of Heaven, not punishable by a court.1  To cause indirectly the death of a Gentile is no sin at all.2

Thus, one of the two most important commentators on the Shulhan ‘Arukh explains that when it comes to a Gentile, ‘one must not lift one’s hand to harm him, but one may harm him indirectly, for instance by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice ... there is no prohibition here, because it was not done directly.’3  He points out, however, that an act leading indirectly to a Gentile’s death is forbidden if it may cause the spread of hostility towards Jews.4

A Gentile murderer who happens to be under Jewish jurisdiction must be executed whether the victim was Jewish or not. However, if the victim was Gentile and the murderer converts to Judaism, he is not punished.5

All this has a direct and practical relevance to the realities of the State of Israel. Although the state’s criminal laws make no distinction between Jew and Gentile, such distinction is certainly made by Orthodox rabbis, who in guiding their flock follow the Halakhah. Of special importance is the advice they give to religious soldiers.

Since even the minimal interdiction against murdering a Gentile outright applies only to ‘Gentiles with whom we [the Jews] are not at war’, various rabbinical commentators in the past drew the logical conclusion that in wartime all Gentiles belonging to a hostile population may, or even should be killed.6 

Since 1973 this doctrine is being publicly propagated for the guidance of religious Israeli soldiers. The first such official exhortation was included in a booklet published by the Central Region Command of the Israeli Army, whose area includes the West Bank.

In this booklet the Command’s Chief Chaplain writes:

When our forces come across civilians during a war or in hot pursuit or in a raid, so long as there is no certainty that those civilians are incapable of harming our forces, then according to the Halakhah they may and even should be killed ... Under no circumstances should an Arab be trusted, even if he makes an impression of being civilised ... In war, when our forces storm the enemy, they are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians, that is, civilians who are ostensibly good.

This is how Israel treat their prisoners of war. Not even nazi Germany or Stalin’s soviet treated their prisoners this way.

Zionist soldier throws a grenade into a church.

Hamas allow an Israeli hostage to keep her dog.              

6th batch of Israeli hostages released, sharing hugs, jokes and high-fives with the Qassam fighters.                          



Bombningen af Gaza          

Fifteen things you should never have to say to a country:

1. Stop bombing children.

2. Don't kill journalists.

3. Don't bomb hospitals.

4. Don't shoot patients through their hospital window.

5. Don't drive bulldozers over dead bodies.

6. Don't bomb ambulances.

7. Don't do ethnic cleansing.

8. Don't call humans animals.

9. Don't starve people.

10. Don't cut off people's water.

11. Don't cut off the electricity at hospitals, killing their ICU and NICU patients.

12. Don't bomb doctors.

13. Don't bomb UN staff.

14. Don't do apartheid.

15. Stop lying constantly.

After Israel FORCED Palistinians to move to the South of Gaza, Israeli warplanes are now destroying several residential towers in Hamad City in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip. This is terrorism!                 

Even UNICEF is speaking out now against Nakhba2.0 and the genocide and maiming of children.                 

This is what American Democracy looks like.        


Israel’s mass assassination machine carried out a “deliberate attack against clearly identified [Doctors Without Borders] cars” today, according to Medicins Sans Frontieres

Israel’s way of “fighting a terror group” they funded themselves:                 

Is Putin the only world leader who is shocked that doctors have to perform surgeries including amputations on children without anaesthesia?               

The infant martyr "Rana Majed Al-Muqayad" didn't reach one year of age, innocent, orphaned, she was unaware of her surroundings, only seeing injustice and cruelty in this world.                 

Israeli Intelligence admits “nothing happens by accident” & “everything is intentional” with their civilian targets in Gaza                 

90 Zionist Israeli doctors are calling for the bombing of hospitals in Gaza.

Beheaded by the Zionists        

Israel has murdered 59 journalists the last 44 days.

7.208 children       Any one supporting Israel is complicit in the killing of children                 

Christian Churches in Palestine are also flattened by the Zionists.                 

"It is hot season in Gaza!" says this US hired killer to a group of US mercenaries dressed up in Israeli uniforms,

I cannot imagine anything more horrifying for a father:   This surgeon had to do an amputation surgery on his own child's leg without anesthesia.            

This baby has lost both her legs in one of Israels terror bombing campaigns against the people of Gaza. This is a real baby, not one of the fictional "40 beheaded babies" or the "incubator babies on the cold floor" in Iraq in 1991.

They lied about the Iraqis killing babies in incubators and now watch what Israeli soldiers do in Gaza.

Shutting off the electricity

To incubators

Yea why is that? And why do they own the Federal Reserve?

And why does the Federal Reserve print money and send it to the Military Criminal Compleks?

A British doctor breaks down while reading an emergency message from the director of Al-Shifa Hospital in #Gaza

This mans family and friends have been bombed. Does he have a "right to defend himself"  or only  a "right to be ethnically cleansed and depopulated"? Does indiscriminent bombing of Gaza create  more or less Hamas? Who might want more Hamas? Who profits from wars?

A Palestinian boy wants to see his father one last time

This poor injured Palestinian boy is receiving surgery in his leg WITHOUT anaesthesia because of the scumbag zionists are blocking for medical supply. To alleviate the pain this incredibly brave boy is reciting the Quran

A child is being operated in a store room. God bless the Palestinian people, what strength they have and bravery to take it upon themselves all alone to show the real face of Zionism

This poor woman lost her children to the Israeli baby-killers

Palestinian boy in a hospital.

This video has been banned from social media. Why?




Nuremberg 2.0          


Who was behind the 911 false flag operation, that started the "war on terror"? So far the US Tax Payer has spend USD 25 Trillion on those wars.  Or USD 77.000 per citizen. A family of 4 could have had a check of USD 308.000 if it hadn't been for the 911 false flag operation.

Anyone who provides money to these companies that support the genocide of the Zionists is considered to be a party to this massacre.

Shall the Golan Hights back to Syria? Only USA, UK, Canada, Australia and the aggressor nation Israel think “no”  The world is turning anti-Zionist.    


Palestinian resistance:             

The answer is a single state, where Jews and Palestinians live together                 

A French lawyer has mobilized an army of lawyers who will volunteer to defend Palestine and go after these genocidal maniacs.     

French lawyer Gilles Devers assembled a “legal army” of 300 lawyers within a span of 10 days.                 

Retweet and never buy products with this number.         729                 

Pascal Najadi:       “I am pleased to present the globally viral short documentary "Cutting off the Head of the Snake in Geneva", which has been viewed over 600 million times.                            It is people like Pascal and Astrid Stückelberger who will ensure justice will prevail. 

Who are the biggest criminals:          A. The deep state making their “recommendations” and giving their orders. B. The order followers. I’m with Mark Passio.                           It is clearly the order followers who are the biggest criminals.                 

The demand for Netanyahu to be put on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity will keep growing until it becomes reality.

Demonstrators in Israel demands the resignation of Netanyahu.

NOW: In front of Netanyahu's residence! “We now know that you are a murderer, BIBI, murderer BIBI, resign." The Israelis are also against the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and they all know he allowed Hamas to - cross the border 15 places - told the army not to help the Israelis when they were attacked by Hamas for the first six hours Note: BIBI is the nickname to Benjamin Netanyahu

A Nov. 3 poll found 76% of Israelis want Netanyahu to resign. On Nov. 7, a leading pro-Netanyahu newspaper reversed its stance and ran an editorial calling for his ouster after the war.

“Hamas started it” Well, what does Noam Chomsky say

If all wars are Money Laundering Operations (and they are) Then does the Military Criminal Complex have an interest in creating more or less Hamas?

What is a proportionate response?

How does an actual “anti semite” look like: Note: Palestinians are semites.

American woman calling out Netanyahu.

Somehow I think it begins to dawn on the Israeli people there is something called Karma and if you align with a genocidal racist mad man then you might suffer the same destiny as that abomination of a human being.

From the most fantastic impressive demonstration in Stockholm ever.

Americans figured out they weren't fighting for their country, they were fighting for parasites money laundering through military contractors.

Here we go. One more father calling out the Zionists for what they truly are.

What did George Bush senior predict would happen? “If they knew what we have done, they would chase us down the street” said George Bush Senior

In this post below I prove, that there are no terrorists in the world other than CIA, Mossad and MI5. Tomorrow I will prove to you that White Supremacism does not exist. Further proof regarding terrorism does not exist: - please note, ... that the only statesmen who are assassinated are statesmen fighting the deep state/globalists/banksters/zionists/satanists such as for example John F Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy, Gaddafi, Ronald Reagan got a serious warning, the four African presidents who refused to inject the fake deadly covid vaccine poison jab.  But not once has one of the warmongers who actually bomb women and children and destroy civilian infrastructure been assassinated. Because terrorism does not exist.  War is big business. Money laundering.  It is just one of many of the deep states methods of transferring money from the working class and the middle class  to the deeply criminal owners of the multinational corporations with the added benefit, from their perspective, of destroying the societies wealth, in short "getting rid of the competition".

Prime Monster Trudeau is being chased out of a restaurant.

MEP in EU tells what he means about Van der Leyens support to countries committing war crimes

Another MEP tells von der Leyen what she thinks about the EU support for war crimes

Zionist and war criminal Henry Kissinger who himself has been instrumental in the destruction of the culture, religion and traditions in Christian societies now does not think the immigration was such a good idea.   Has Kissinger received the Kalergy price? Why does Israel never take any refugees? Why does Palestinians not have a “right to return”? Does the Israelis consider themselves ubermenchen?

What happened when Trump tried to make a deal between Uber-Zionist Netanyahu and the Palestinian leader Abbas:

Finally Trump gets his finger out.

- Trump, you need to be on the assimilated Jews side, the good Jews, who demonstrate in the hundreds of thousands against the bad Jews, the Zionists, the mass murdering psychopath Netanyahu, who opened the border, told his army not to do anything for the first six hours giving Hamas plenty of time to take hostages, and then invoked the “Hannibal Directive”, which is to bomb everybody both Hamas and hostages. Most of the dead Israelis were killed by IDF. Trump, you have bad advisors.

George Soros, Let me introduce him to you.  Listen to this interview. This is how a psychopath sounds like.

Watch this video, and you will understand why the israeli soldiers are shitting themselves.

In 1953 the first coup d’etat CIA committed was Operation Ajax

Ok the 14 Mio Palestinians in the world there are 3,5 Mio Christian’s Show this to a Zionist Christian. And ask them what have Zionists ever done for Christian people?

This man shows Piers Morgan all of his family members who were killed in the Palestinian massacre by Israel.

Palestinian woman’s testimony


In Iraq in Abu Ghraib American soldiers tortured Iraqi prisoners.

This is witness testimony.

This Danish football team was denied to play, even to go on the pitch with shirts "against the massacre in Gaza". What if it was a "Pro-Ukraine" shirt?

Thanks Twitter/X This is the second account that has been closed on my request. The first for inciting to genocide and this account for calling me: “Anti-Semite and schizophrenic”.

Former director of Mossad Ram Barak has the solution: - 2.5 Mio Palestinians send to 100 countries. 25.000 per country.

Israeli occupation soldiers use a Palestinian detainee as a human shield

Historically the idea behind Red Cross was the idea that both parts in a war agreed a neutral party could treat wounded SOLDIERS from both parties. Here we are taking about on side being so evil it does not only not allow the other party’s soldier being treated but also CIVILIANS including women and children.

In a Perfect World…these Genocidal Monsters would be rotting in Prison

I would like to join this American gentleman in saluting the Palestinians.

Strange thing. Why wouldn’t Encyclopedia Britannica from 1968 mention the Holocaust? Yet it has pages upon pages on Palestine.

Orbán Viktor: The bureaucrats in Brussels are in the pockets of a globalist elite. The European people don’t want migration, they don’t want war

According to international law, the occupied has the right to self-defense by all means, not the occupier.

“Being pro-Palestinian and calling for a ceasefire does not mean being a Hamas supporter, a terrorist supporter, or an anti-Semite. In recent years, we have seen accusations of anti-Semitism as a tool to silence any criticism of Israel. Israel does not represent all the Jews in the world, and it alone must take responsibility for the crimes it commits."

Journalist: Biden accused the Russian government of genocide in Ukraine, but Israel killed more civilians in a month than died in Ukraine in two years.

This is how you can see if an activist is for real or a psyop financed by the deep state.

Elon Musk:

The real fight is not between right and left, but rather between humanists and extinctionists

Yeah right Elon, then why are you shadow banning me?

There is a Zionist Playbook, that instructs their trolls on social media, journalists, educators and corrupt politicians, how to respond to any criticism of Israel or Zionists. In this playbook they are instructed in calling everyone “anti-Semite” who posts anything about crimes committed by Israel or Zionists. Calling me and others an “anti-Semite” is allowed by Twitter/X. But when I just posted my suggested reply when someone calls you an “anti-Semite” my post was immediately blocked by Twitter/X. So we can see who still controls Twitter/X. It is all fake. I will from now on report everyone who uses the term “anti-Semite” for hateful speech and let’s see what Twitter/D will do about that.

The answer I was not allowed to give to someone calling me an anti-semite:      “You are a zionazi-troll”


Another example of a post I was not allowed to make on Twitter:

I am not allowed to show a photo of a post I am not allowed to make I think it is relevant since Zionists literally lied about “babies taken from incubators” in the first gulf war in 1991 when Zionists were lobbying USA to go to war against Iraq. Later that year 500,000 Iraqi children were murdered due to that lie being effective in persuading the US to attack Iraq. And considering Israel is bombing hospitals as we speak where babies literally ARE dying in INCUBATORS. If I am called an “anti-Semite” for being against the murder of the Semite people in Gaza, why can I not reply with:

“No but you are a zionazi troll”.

That must be my freedom of speech. The Zionist = Nazism connotation is from

-they both consider themselves ubermenschen, if we believe Hollywoods films and the words in the Talmud

- they both want “lebensraum”

- and to genocide their opponents again if Hollywood is telling the truth, that the Zionists want genocide is just to listen to what they say in public.

The “troll” connotation must be fair if there is a Zionist playbook where Zionists are instructed to call all people who criticise Zionism or actions taken by Israel for “anti-semites”.

I won’t go into the bizarre in the fact that askeNazi Jews aren’t even a Semite people.

Just read Koestlers “The 13th Tribe”.

Mads Palsvig, MSc Law


WEF Is also among the Muslim countries.





Leading scholar on International relations from University of Chicago John Mearsheimer:

Oct 7-13: 69% of demonstrations were pro Palestinian.

From October 13: 95% of demonstrations are Pro Palestinian.

The 5% pro Israel were paid USD 250 to attend.

There are 3 - 7% socio- and psychopaths in the world, which means effectively every non psychopath in the world is now anti Israel or anti zionist.

I hereby identify as a pro-semite Zionist-hater.

And anyone, who doesn't after the last 55 days, is either a psychopath, imbecile, corrupt or in most politicians in the West case: all of the above.

Rudolf Vrba was a heroic antifascist Jew. He was a survivor of  Majdanek and Auschwitz. He escaped from Auschwitz in 1944 in order to warn the Jews of Hungary about the Nazi extermination programme. Here is part of his testimony about Zionism.

1 “The Zionist movement of Europe played a very important role in the mass extermination of Jews.                 

I agree the world is at war with Zionism               

The goal of the Overclass is to create a neofeudalist two-class society of rentiers with dynastic wealth and serfs with no class mobility who rent everything they need to live from them                 

911 was also a false flag operation just like October 7, USS Liberty, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Ajax etc etc.

The Military Criminal Complex and the global bank mafia wanted to pass the Patriot Act and use 911 as an excuse to attack 7 countries

The Only Mainstream Media Reporter Speaking The Truth About PizzaGate. Ben Swann Brought Real Facts About The Pedophile Ring To The Entire World, He Was Then Fired By CBS                 

The globalist bank mafia is planning to take EVERYTHING. When they say: "You will own nothing", I advice you strongly to listen very carefully. Especially if you have money. David Webb's book "The Great Taking" which you can download at explains how               

I just received the newsletter from                  

The World is run by pedophiles and pedophile-protectors. Below this self explanatory photo are four documents proving the UN and WHO promotes pedophilia:              

Yes I am not only against the world being run by people promoting pedophilia, travelling to Epstein Island and partaking in spirit cooking dinners.

I am also against injecting poison into little babies.

Who would want to injure little babies?

(Read line 2-4 above once more)…

Fantastic news Philippines join Estonia, Slovakia and Mexico in rejected WHO’s attempt to place themselves above every nations government and Constitution

IF WE CONTINUE ALLOWING THE CLOWNS IN POWER DESTROY OUR ECONOMY it will continue to get worse. Spread this around: THE SOLUTION IS VERY SIMPLE: - “Introduce ZERO rate mortgages to people’s private homes”.

Let me translate what the IMF* means by:

“Reduce Inflation, improve public finances and raise private sector growth”.

REDUCE INFLATION = stop lending = create banking crisis = house price and equity market collapse.

IMPROVE PUBLIC FINANCES = fire public sector workers + reduce welfare spending

RAISE PRIVATE SECTOR GROWTH = when house prices and equity prices have hit rock bottom allow globalists and banksters buy up the real assets of the country

The “spreading freedom and democracy”, here Iraq learns a lesson:

A U.S. Marine poses in the back of a truck carrying gold bars to be exported to the United States. Baghdad, 2003.

Regarding nuclear weapons don't exist: READ: "Hiroshima revisited" by Michael Palmer. And read:  "Death Object Exploding" by Akio Nakatani.

Important message to Israelis from Jeff Berwick. Survey from Israel: “Less than 4% trust Netanyahu”.

This was censored by Twitter:

Someone send me this.

What percentage is true?

Some of it of course is, if for example Anton Le Vey was Jewish.

Maybe we shouldn’t traumatise yet another generation of young white Christian children and young people by teaching them only white Christian guilt in the educational institutions in the West?

Maybe it is about time we look also at White Jewish guilt? 

I’m of the opinion that we shouldn’t blame young people for anything their ancestors did. We should teach them values instead and the rule of law and to respect all people no matter.

Okay here we go; this list is quite extensive, seems they have been busy bees. Again what percentage of this can be attributed to the jews.

The Jews.......

Burned down Rome and blamed the Christians

Killed the Son of God

Planned WW1 (17 years before) - Started WW1

Instigated a genocide of Hungarians (Béla Kun)

Own all Hollywood studios

Own the magazines

Own the newspapers

Own the social media platforms

Own the porn industry and use it to demoralize

Print all the school books

Control Wall Street

Control the School System,

Control the FBI,

Control the CIA,

Control the NSA,

Control the UN,

Control the WEF,

Control the Federal Reserve (And all Central Banks)

Controlled the KGB

Ran the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, now blame it on White Christians.

Starved to death 12-18 Million White Ukrainian Christians,

Started the French Revolution

Started the Cuban revolution

Started the Russian Revolution - Killed 50-67 Million White Christians,

Started the German Revolution

Started the Spanish Revolution

Started the Chinese Revolution (Co-launched)

Started the "Rhodesian Bush War", led to the cleansing of White Farmers

Started the ethnic cleansing of Serbia

Started the American opioid crisis: killed milliins of Americans

Started WW2 - blamed the Germans

Started "Drag Queen Story Hour" (Jew Michelle Tea)

Lied about being gassed

Ethnically cleansed Palestine,

Stole Israel in 1948 after the Rothschild-Balfour Declaration,

Changed the immigration policies in western countries in 1965

Attacked The USS Liberty

Attacked The USS Cole

Attacked The Twin Towers, World Trade Center, and Pentagon,

Sent America's sons to die for Israel in pointless, middle eastern wars

Lied about WMDs in Iraq and repeated the above

Invented communism

Invented the "Frankfurt School"

Invented the "Over Population Theory"

Invented apartheid and anti-apartheid in South Africa (supported both sides)

Invented the phone sex business (Jew feminist Gloria Leonard)

Invented the Abortion Pill,

Invented the mass produced Condom,

Invented Feminism,

Invented the LGBTQIA+ Movement,

Invented the Anti-Christian pride Movement,

Invented the ADL, (after Rape and Murder of Mary Phagan),

Mutilate the genitals of infant boys then suck the blood from their bleeding penises (spreading their STDs to infants),

Invented Black Lives Matter,

Invented the NAACP,

Invented Antifa,

Invented the KKK,

Invented NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association),

Invented Communism,

Invented a climate disaster 3 times (global cooling, global warming, climate change),

Invented fake news,

Invented fake viruses,

Invented fake and lethal vaccines,

Invented the use of mercury to fill people's teeth

Founded CPUSA (Communist Party USA) in 1919 (Jew C. E. Ruthenberg)

Founded Southern Poverty Law Center in 1971 (Crypto Jew Morris Dees)

Founded the abortion industry

Founded: "The Church of Satan" (Jew Anton LaVey)

Founded: "The Satanic Temple" (Jew Malcolm Jarry)

Wrote: "The Satanic Bible" (Jew Anton LaVey)

Wrote: "The Satanic Witch" (Jew Anton LaVey)

Infiltrated and took control of Freemasonry,

Put phytoestrogen (soy oil) in corporate baby formula (for males),

Put all of the fluoride in the water,

Were expelled from over 1000 countries and communities (Afghanistan & Yemen recently),

Are demoralizing all western nations

Are Satanic,

Openly admit worshipping Lucifer as their god (Whistleblower Harold Wallace Rosenthal),

Are called the synagogue of Satan by the very Son of God

In 2008 and during the plandemic the super-wealthy were paid off while the middle-class and working class were robbed. It was easy for them to navigate the financial markets. With Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and George Soros “Great Reset” it is the other way around.

They plan to take ALL assets from all rich people incl. the super-rich, they will then spend a small fraction of the loot to pay off the middle and working class with a “universal basic income” if they accept living in a surveillance state, with forced vaccination (depopulation), central bank digital currency linked to their social credit score (I.E if you want to eat, don’t demonstrate), more wars and censorship that would make DDR and USSR jealous.

The super-rich did not help us, who have been fighting against the crimes against humanity committed by our governments, big pharma, banksters and the military criminal complex. They were busy making money while ordinary people were suffering.

I strongly advice the super-rich to grow some balls, and turn down the selfishness a tad, because this time I predict the poor people will take the money and quite enjoy you losing your wealth. A bit like the morbidity of throwing Christians for the lions in old Rome. People paid good money to watch. No one cared about the Christians.

The Great Reset is “New Rome”.

And the rich are the Christians who will be thrown for the lions.

If the super-wealthy join forces with the middle class and the working class in creating an economic system where money creation go to the people instead of wars and vaccines. A system with law and order and respect for private property, without the woke agenda destroying family, religion and culture and where the current mafia method of the multinational corporations in cahoots with puppets in government and corrupt media, Hollywood and education is stopped.

Here is how to create a better system:

And here is how they plan to rob the rich:

China is communism with fascism* inside. USA is fascism with communism* inside. It is all fake that they are fighting each other.  Biden and other US politicians are taking money from China (communism). China is taking money from US businesses (globalists).

*fascism:  When the largest businesses control the economy backed by a strong state ruling by executive orders.

*communism: When the government decides what is politically correct/"the truth" and regulates/confiscates private ownership.


The Great Taking

So Biden takes money from China and allows the country to be overrun by Millions of young men in military age mainly from countries the US has robbed and carpet-bombed. To me it seems as if someone is trying to destroy the West.

The sanctions against Russia has not damaged Russia, only the EU member states, particularly Germany, who energy consumption is down 30%...

The WEF/UN/WHO are destroying our Countries from within by having Satanists teach Religion, having Sexual Schizophrenics lecture us on Morality, Abortion Enthusiasts demanding Human Rights, Creating Pandemics, Replacement Migration and having Marxists in charge of all Economies.

The people above Jeffrey Epstein, who organized the Child Trafficking Operation and made police, prosecutors, judges and politicians look the other way for over 30 years are still out and about totally free!

One of the greatest leaders of our time swear his allegiance to the Palestinian people.

I often asked myself, WHY does the government as a rule of thumb always do the opposite from what I would do?

Have you ever heard about the genocide the British committed on the Iranian people?

Gilles Devers is one of the most veteran lawyers in France, who in just 10 days gathered an army of lawyers from all the continents of the world to prosecute Israel for its war crimes against the Palestinians.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a slew of charges at the International Criminal Court in the Hague after Turkey filed a lawsuit

Does Israel have a legal right of “self defence” against people in an area it occupies? What does the legal experts say? What does the law stipulate?

Bill Gates says Digital IDs, Vaccine Passports, and central bank digital currencies (CBDC) will be *mandatory* to participate in society

Who elected Bill Gates as the World Leader?

Here is the real reason they killed Gaddafi. He wanted to use his USD 143 billion of gold and a similar amount in silver to create an African currency to the benefit of the development of all African nations. He had already created an economic “miracle” in Libya in only 40 years moving Libya from one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the richest. Such people has to be killed, believe the globalists. And for that purpose they have their terrorists.

The world is run by pedophile.

Four proofs the world is run by pedophiles, documents from WHO and UN

Here is a link to the document that works (at the moment):

I strongly recommend everyone to watch this video. “The Mystery of Israel!”

Listen to this lady  Truth bombs incoming

Here Robert F Kennedy talks at the inauguration of the political party i started in Denmark: JFK

Please feel free to forward this post below or if you prefer to copy paste parts of or in its entirety  and post it as your own. And you may use this disclaimer in its entirety or any part of it you may see fit, no need to quote me:


Anyone calling me an "anti-semite" for being against Israel committing a war crime, will be reported to Twitter, I will take a screen shot and retain the right to sue said person for defamation and libel and a compensation not less than USD 100.000 in court, if the person is working for the Israeli Government or any zionist organisation, not less than USD 10.000.000.  Calling someone an "anti semite" is a serious allegation with the connotation, that the person wants all Jews to be killed, including women and children in gas chambers.   Being against war crimes does not equal being an "anti semite" and does not mean that the person wishes any one dead, quite the opposite actually.  On a general note calling me an "anti semite" for being against killing a semite child every 9 minute is bizarre. Palestinians are semites.  While most Jews actually are not a semite people, the Askenazi Jews are not semites, read Arthur Koestlers "The 13th Tribe".  By the way Koestler is Jewish himself.

This post reached 84.500 on Twitter/X:

The Palestinians will win. And after they have won, all Zionist privilege, manipulation of media and movies, education, woke culture, control of money creation, pandemics and wars will be dismantled. Due to the enormous suffering, bravery and determination of the Palestinian people it has become clear to the world, who and what the Zionists really are.


TWEET to RFK and Trump






- Will you speak out against the genocide of the Palestinian people?

We are witnessing a Nakhba2.0

The fact that 100% have heard Hollywoods version of the Holocaust, but probably up until October 7th less than 1% of the World population have heard about the Nakhba is a testament to the intentionally planned and executed brainwashing campaign by the Zionists.

And brainwashing campaigns work, we know this from various psychological studies.

Now after 55 days of murdering children and even babies in incubators, real babies, not the Israeli "We have heard from an eyewitness....that 40 babies were beheaded" - lies, but REAL BABIES in INCUBATORS have been killed by the hell bent zionist state of Israel, WILL YOU SPEAK OUT?

- and:

Will you speak out against the planned Communist Bolshevik takeover of the World that David Webb is explaining how they will do in The Great Taking? (Movie below, free book at thegreattaking com)

We need an economic solution from my Political Party Velstandspartiet which translates to The Prosperity Party.

The World is abundant, there is enough for everyone. It is scandalous that 55 Mio Americans are on food stamps, while you have Billions for bombing civilians across the globe.

Here is just one way we could do it. I have many more solutions:

1. Create one or more government or privately owned Mortgage institute(s) that allow each human being (not corporations) ONE INTEREST FREE MORTGAGE FOR UP TO 80% VALUE OF THEIR HOME. This would immediately make it possible for people to pay their bills. The government would not lose anything because the lending is secured by real assets.

2. Introduce a 1% tax on all digital transfers of money. That would be bank transfers, mobile pay and all credit card payments. Using cash shall be free of charge. This would make the multinational corporations pay tax for the first time in history. This could be used for income tax cuts.

3. Stop all economic aid to the Military Money Laundering Complex. And instead start investigating who have received corruption.


- Will you advocate for: Sending all male illegal immigrants in the age 20-40 back to where they came from. Some of them are very likely a Smedley Butler type privately funded secret army, ready to be employed when/if the fury among particularly the muslim population in the West over the genocide in Gaza is strong enough, that they begin to fight. There is plenty of proof many of them get a fixed amount of money transferred to them each month. My guess is that CIA and Mossad will make false flags operations, as the one they made in Belgium a month ago where they killed two Swedish football fans to get chaos and civil war started. Then people will respond believing it is "real" muslims and not knowing it is CIA and Mossad dressed as muslims and voila civil war started and the chaos the deep state love so much, so they can run out more dictatorship. Anyone ignorant out there look into:

Operation Gladio and Operation Northwoods.

If you two don't start speaking the truth the world is seriously f...d

While I hope you will do the right thing, God Bless you

Yours Sincerely

Mads Palsvig, former Investment Banker from Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse First Boston, advisor of the Federal Reserve and ECB in multiple private meetings, drinks and dinners spanning 15 years, Msc Law, Bac Finance, specialist in Government Bond Trading and thus government finances




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