Velstandspartiet - Jorden Frihed Kundskab

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Kære Alle,

Vi har fået et telt på Folkemødet, det er så langt væk som muligt, men det er fint nok, der er masser af skygge og plads til vores lounge stole udenfor og store TV skærm, kameraer, stole, cafeborde, køleskab og kablet internet indenfor.


(...dette er nabo-teltet, bare for at vise, hvor hyggeligt og smukt her er).

Vi er i fuld gang med at gøre alt klart. Captain Hindsight ville nok have valgt at bruge GPS fra STARK til vores vi har godt af lidt motion...

Vi har mange talere med og vil præsentere nogle af dem i dette nyhedsbrev. Vi vil forsøge, at holde jer orienteret så godt som muligt i nyhedsbreve.

I vil først og fremmest kunne følge med på 

...og naturligvis på vores Velstandspartiets Telegram Gruppe 

...og Scandinavian Freedom.Events Telegram Gruppe:   

DEL DEL DEL overalt. 

Apropos aktivisme, så vil jeg også her benytte lejligheden til at sige tak for så mange, der mødte op på Hellerup Station i lørdags med een dags varsel og delte VAkstidende 5 ud i Whisky-bæltet. Og tak til alle, der har fornyet jeres medlemsskab og doneret til Vakstidende og Folkemødet, det er skønt, at vi er i stand til at være her på solskinsøen.

...og så muntrer jeg mig med at udnytte min freedom of speech på Twitter, hvis nogle skulle have lyst at følge med. Nu ved jeg jo, at "efterretningskilder" og fake news DR følger rigtig godt med, så de bliver tæppebombet med sandheder her:    

Og igen tak til myndighederne i Danmark for at tage vores henvendelser så alvorligt, at de bogstaveligt talt ændrede praksis i Danmark til gavn for den danske befolkning. Det HJÆLPER at sige fra. Det hjælper, at stole på at de fleste mennesker er gode. 

Her er videoen, hvor jeg forklarer et økonomisk system, som er en WIN-WIN for ALLE:


Og her er foto fra den officielle Folkemødet App, læg gerne mærke til titlerne...:

Når man er inde på appen, kan man se navne på talerne med mere.



Ovenstående program var kun for at få alle disse titler i det officielle program. Og vi er med i programmet i APP'en, men ikke i Folkemødets fysiske avis.

Normalt får man på Folkemødet en avis med ALLE de taler der er.

I år er første gang, hvor de KUN har "udvalgte taler".....hvorfor mon? :-)

Ingen af vores events kunne konkurrere med "DEN BLOMSTRENDE VAGINA". Det siger sig selv...

Er heller en mand, der har klædt sig ud som "ET ERIGERET LEM".

Det kan vi åbenbart ikke hamle op med "i dagens Danmark"... hvor alt der er smukt er grimt, alt der er rigtigt er forkert og alt der er retfærdigt er uretfærdigt. 

Nu til sagen:

Første taler Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop


Dear Friends, allow me to thank the organizers of this conference and to greet all
the participants. Your presence and sharing the alarm about the global coup –
along with many other groups and movements throughout the world – should be a
great consolation for all of us, because it means that the assault we are witnessing
faces a firm and determined opposition that is not willing to allow the criminal
plan of the servants of the World Economic Forum to be imposed.

- Anden taler er Mascha Orel, som er en Ukrainsk jødisk kvinde, der bor i Tyskland, hun har gruppen WeForHumanity  a free international association of Holocaust survivors and their descendants. Since then, we have been messengers who still have reasonable freedom of speech, and we have been advocates for those who are unjustly vilified as anti-Semites.

Hendes store indsats var med til at sørge for at Sucharet Bhakdi vandt sin seneste retssag, hvor han blev beskyldt for anti-semitisme.

Titlen på hendes tale er: 

"What should work to make the entire evil plan work?"

"None of the horror then and now would be possible without the media. Why were there no media trials after the war? Cause they didn't want to hurt the heart of their success, the allies didn't want to expose the methods of their own people's dumbing down, which are the same. 

I want: to stop jewish otherness, no guilt because jews, but also no absolution because jew - real or fake I do not care. in face of God and law all must be equal. 

I want media accountability for creating guilt then and absolution now, for smearing and killing people.

I also want a world prayer as yes, these so called human beings are satanists.

- Roger Hodkinson MD, is a medical specialist in pathology, a graduate of Cambridge University.

During his long career he has had a number of leadership roles in Canadian medicine both provincially and nationally, including being a university teacher, chairman of the Royal College pathology examination committee, and laboratory accreditation inspector. He was previously the President of the Alberta Society of Laboratory Physicians, an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alberta, and CEO of a large community based medical laboratory with a full menu of testing for infectious disease and virology. He is currently the Chairman of an American biotechnology company active in DNA sequencing.

But he is most proud of his role for many years in public health advocacy as Honorary Chairman of ASH, Action on Smoking and Health, which is the leading non-profit organization in Canada tackling the predatory marketing strategies of Big Tobacco, and for which he was made Citizen of the Year in Edmonton, Alberta. He also wishes to note that for a number of years he was the President of the Sir Winston Spencer Churchill Society of Edmonton, which is the oldest Churchill society in the world and the only one endorsed by Churchill himself.

-  Dr Mark Bailey, Author 

He completed his medical training in New Zealand in 1999. He also holds a post-graduate diploma in musculoskeletal medicine, and a masters degree in health science.He worked in many specialties as a resident doctor and was a clinical trials research physician for several years. In 2016 he left clinical practice due to dissatisfaction with the allopathic medical system. His focus is on microbiology, the existence of viruses, as well as historical and epistemological issues within medical science. He is the author of “A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)” and co-author of “The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity”.

Ep 200.1: Dr Mark Bailey (author of "A Farewell to Virology") questions pathogenic viruses

- Glenn Dormer MD, 

An American doctor who lives in Sweden and has been fighting the corona hoax vehemently and participated in demonstrations across Sweden. 

LIVE @5PM: Aftertalk: Dr. Glenn Dormer

- John Kitson, politician and activist against 5G

 The danger of Digital ID and how it connects in with the roll out of 5G and AI

John Kitson speech at UKIP conference 2019

-  Janis Plavins, Lawyer, dipl. iur, MBA fra Letland

Title: Globalist Terror Reparations Act. Legal framework.

Short description: The purpose of the law is to restore justice that the criminals of Globalist terror are forced to repay the damages caused to the victims and receive an appropriate and fair punishment for the gravity and extent of their crime. Ensure that the processes of detection and investigation of these crimes is publicly open and fair.

A. Defining the scope of globalist crimes against humanity

B. Defining types of globalist crimes against humanity
C. Establishment of the reparation fund.
D. Donors of the fund.
E. Recipients of the fund.
F. Special legal conditions.
G. Establishment of the National Tribunal in the form of Grand Jury.

I have a ready initial draft of this bill, which can be further discussed for implementation in the national legislations of countries according to local specifics.

- James Patrick, 
Investigator, Economist, Film Director

Topic: National Sovereignty vs. Globalism. Health, Environment and Human Rights in a Time of Contrived Crisis.

Brilliant dot joiner, film director and maker of the wonderful Planet Lockdown documentary film and interview series on the Covid outrage (the film begins with "we will shut you down, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail") here and here 

James Patrick’s expertise is in shining light on the big picture of where we find ourselves today in a chaotic world gone mad. You can find his latest work on BigPicture.Watch, where he produces full interviews with dignitaries around the world, as well as short and long format documentary films. His work equips people with information to help the world stay free.

- Daniel Estulin is an author, public speaker and investigative journalist who specializes in researching and reporting the Bilderberg Group, an annual invitation-only conference of the elites in the fields of business, finance, media and politics.

In an interview, Estulin describes his background, which led him to his profession:

"I’m a Russian expatriate who was kicked out of the Soviet Union in 1980. My father was a dissident who fought for freedom of speech who was jailed, tortured by the KGB. Suffered two political deaths. When these people got tired of us they threw us out. We moved to Canada and 12 years ago I came to Spain. My grandfather was a colonel in the KGB and the counter-intelligence in the 1950s, so I am privileged somewhat to get a lot of the information from secret service which are our best sources of information. Not only the KGB people but the MI6 people, the CIA because most of the people who work for the secret service as you probably know are patriots and they love their country and they’re doing it for the good of the nation and they’re the first ones absolutely terrified of the plans of the Bilderbergers".

Some of the books he has written:

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses

Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses

Global Projects at War: Tectonic Processes of Global Transformation

Global Projects at War: Tectonic Processes of Global Transformation

TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction

TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction

Shadow Masters: An International Network of Governments and Secret-Service Agencies Working Together with Drugs Dealers an...

Shadow Masters: An International Network of Governments and Secret-Service Agencies Working Together with Drugs Dealers and Terrorists for Mutual Benefit and Profit

- Paul E. Vallely, Major General, US Army (Ret.)

Major General Paul E. Vallely was born in DuBois, PA and served a distinguished career of 31 years in the US Army before he retired as Deputy Commanding General, US Army Pacific, in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1992. General Vallely graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point and earned his commission in the Army in 1961.

General Vallely is a graduate of the Infantry School, Ranger and Airborne Schools, Jumpmaster School, the Command and General Staff School, the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and the Army War College. His combat service in Vietnam included positions as infantry company commander, intelligence officer, operations officer, military advisor, and aide-de-camp. He has over fifteen (15) years’ experience in Special Operations, Psychological Operations, and Civil-Military Operations.

After serving in two combat tours in Vietnam, he also served in several other overseas theaters in Europe and Pacific Rim countries. Vallely served on US security assistance missions and on civilian-military relations tours in Europe, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Israel, Indonesia, and Central America. He has served as a consultant to the Commanding General of the Special Operations Command as well as the DOD Anti-Drug and Counter-Terrorism Task Forces. He also designed and developed the Host-Nation Support Program in the Pacific for the DOD and the State Department.

MG Vallely has been on radio and television for many years, most notably serving as the senior military analyst for the Fox News Channel from 2001-2008. He is a guest lecturer on multiple issues including national security, international politics, economics, strategic planning, US foreign policy, and the Global War against Radical Islam and other threats to America. He and LTG Thomas McInerney co-authored the book, “Endgame” – "Blueprint for Victory for Winning the War on Terror”. MG Vallely conducts an average of 4-6 national radio/TV show interviews per week and is well known for his published articles and talks on National Security and domestic issues.

Vallely is the Founder of Nemo Arms Inc. of Boise, Idaho and is the Chairman of Stand Up America US Foundation. He also chairs the Legacy National Security Advisory Group and is a founding member of the Citizens' Commission on National Security. He led fact finding missions into the Syria with his team, once traveling deep inside the Syrian war zone to Aleppo. Additionally, during that period, he co-chaired two separate delegations to Cairo, Egypt to meet with President El-Sisi and his senior staff. His most recent books are “The Reality Prism”, “America’s Endgame for the 21st Century” and “The Mindless War”.

Paul and his wife Marian reside in Montana. Both are deeply involved in numerous humanitarian efforts and are active participants in a multitude of community events and activities.


Jeg håber meget, at I alle vil få glæde af at høre alle disse brilliante mennesker bidrage til vores fælles kamp for frihed, retfærdighed, næstekærlighed og fred, nysgerrighed og respekt mellem mennesker.


Mads Palsvig


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VelstandsPartiet - Jorden Frihed Kundskab

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