Velstandspartiet - Jorden Frihed Kundskab

Insects in the food? You like?


Dear reader,


If you agree with me, please share this message as far and wide as you can starting with your local super market. Share on social media. Talk to people you meet and ask them if they still believe in the authorities.


Insects in foods,


Rarely have I heard anything more disgusting. Who, but the devil himself, could come up with the idea that humans should eat insects? President of the European Commission Ursula von Leyen is certainly not a friend of humanity when she gives permission for insects to be added to human food.

Does she herself eat that kind of thing? The people who think that men can give birth to children in the name of equality, that they should be smart and run around in dresses, that three-year-olds should want to change their gender because we have to be oh so open and inclusive, or that it's fine with abortion right up to birth, which is recommended by the WHO, because no one should limit women's rights, and that we should have our freedom of movement limited to 15 minute zones, as we see it in Oxford, are the same ones who think we should now eat insects.

Do they themselves eat earthworms with mosquito larvae and a few spiders for dessert at their luxury meeting in Switzerland, where they lay out the rules for how the rest of us should live?

I expect clean food when I shop in supermarkets, not all sorts of weird and disgusting things that have come into vogue because of a story that the weather is getting warmer and it's our fault. The climate agenda, which is being drummed into us as a definitive truth, will bring us all down by the neck so that we will soon not be allowed to breathe. Asking questions is called misinformation. But I still don't see that the water has risen in the harbor since I was a child.

Just the fact that I have to sit and investigate whether insects can be eaten by humans is absurd. And that I have to write something as obvious as the fact that insects as human food, in addition to being disgusting, are also allergenic. I see that they allow it in vegetarian ready meals. How can it be done, insects are animals, so it's not vegetarian anymore?

If I shall continue to shop in your supermarkets, then "food" that contains even the tiniest bit of ground insects must be labeled in a certain, clear way (for example with a picture of the insect in question) and placed in a certain section, so normal thinking people can avoid it.

I assume that you make demands on - and check that your subcontractors don't just chop up some bench-biters and silverfish and get into the flour for the cakes and buns. I don't know anyone who would dream of eating insects.

It is therefore important that people know where they can safely shop and which stores they should avoid. I'm doing this little consumer survey (where it's the consumer who surveys the store) because a lot of people in my network obviously don't want to be tricked into eating creeps without knowing. Can I still buy clean food from you? I look forward to a reply.


Yours sincerely, Lene Bang


Advertisment for insects for food: Edible insects and their role in the transmission of disease-causing parasites to humans and animals: 

COMMISSION  IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2023/5 of 3 January 2023 authorizing the marketing of partially defatted powder of Acheta domesticus (domestic chicken) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470: 


The expose:


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VelstandsPartiet - Jorden Frihed Kundskab

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