Kære Alle,
Hvis ikke man lærer af historien har den det med at gentage sig selv.
Det ordsprog har aldrig været mere aktuelt.
Vores medier, uddannelsessystem og politikere adlyder ordrer fra de værste forbrydere verden nogensinde har kendt, samtidig med at bebrejder ofrene.
Falske flag, løgne og dybt racistiske, folkemorderiske og kulturnedbrydende dagsordener er vilkårene i dag.
Fordi folk nægter at studere historie.
Og vores uddannelsessystem og akademikere beviste under corona at de har en stang i hjernen og er fuldstændig ude af stand til at tænke klart.
Alle sammen (når det er over 99,9% må man gerne runde op).
Pensionister, håndværkere, politiet, IT folk, indvandrere og enkelte andre grupper havde en del der var i stand til at gennemskue løgnene.
Resten var dybt tragiske ureflekterende ordrefølgere. Villige til at sprøjte gift i sig selv og sine børn fordi nogle talking heads sagde det på TV.
Det er bare så sørgeligt!
Vi har to møder på zoom for medlemmer af Velstandspartiet, Jorden Frihed Kundskab i morgen aften søndag den 27. oktober:
Kl 20:00 Velkommen
Kl 20:05 Efter talrige opfordringer til at komme med videoer på dansk, vil jeg komme med en kort kommentar med mit syn på den globale situation. Mit indlæg vil blive optaget på video og uploadet til Rumble.
Kl 20:20 Bestyrelsen vil i fællesskab debatere lokale og internationale problemstillinger samt svare på spørgsmål fra medlemmer.
Kl 21:00 En international gæst (på engelsk) kommer med et spændende oplæg relevant for den internationale geopolitiske problemstilling.
Mere info nedenfor om hvordan du kan deltage.
Venlig hilsen
Mads Palsvig, formand
Kære Nyhedsbrevsmodtager,
Velstandspartiet inviterer hermed til zoom møder.
En lørdag og en søndag hver måned resten af året.
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Medlemmer der har betalt for 2. halvår 2024:
GRATIS adgang til alle zoom møder.
Søndag den 27. oktober
Kl 20:00 - 21:00
Mødet afholdes på DANSK.
Hele bestyrelsen.
Kl 21:00 - 22:30
Mødet afholdes på ENGELSK.
En international gæst har bekræftet sin deltagelse
Mads Palsvig, formand for Velstandspartiet aka The Prosperity Party
Andre mødedatoer:
Søndag den 10. november
Lørdag den 16. november
Fredag den 6. december (eller fredag den 29. november) JULE-FROKOST i Aarhus for medlemmer og på zoom naturligvis
Fredag den 13. december JULE-FROKOST I KØBENHAVN for medlemmer og zoom møde.
For de der er på X, (tidligere Twitter), så kan i følge mig.
Jeg har handle
Her er en post jeg har lavet der har fået 1,7 millioner views:
"Americans are good people. They have no aggressions against us and they like us as we like them.
They must know I don't hate them. I love them.… I hear it is a complex society inside.
Many Americans don't know about the outside world. The majority have no concern and no information about other people.
They could not even find Africa on a map.
I think Americans are good, but America will be taken over and destroyed from the inside by the Zionist lobby.
The Americans do not see this. They are getting decadent. Zionists will use this to destroy them."
Muammar Gaddafi
PS Danmark er også "taken over by" the zionistist lobby.
Her er en post der fik 364k views:
Okay so the "Italian" mafia was actually jewish...
And out of the 11 oligarchs who looted Russia in the 1990's 9 of them were jewish, so wouldn't it be close to 90% more correct to call the russian mafia for the JEWISH MAFIA???
And if we can say the Italian Mafia and the Russian Mafia... WHY CAN't WE SAY THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA???????????
Dear @elonmusk and X,
Especially when they are to blame for every single crime against humanity committed the last several hundred years???
Mads Palsvig
Den her fik 265k views
Video der forklarer hvem der stod bag covid bedrageriet:
Who was behind the covid scam aka white genocide*?
* 80% Christian nations vaxxed
25% Asian nations vaxxed
10% African nations vaxxed
Israel = 100% placebo
Video 1 min
Nu vi er i gang her er en der fik 208k views:
Churchill was indeed a very very evil man. He even ordered his generals to use poison gas on German civilians, his generals refused to obey the order, not because they necessarily were any better, they didn't hesitate to commit non stop war crimes and firebomb every single German city. Something that had never been done before. They refused to poison gas German civilians, because they were afraid Germany might do the same to them. Germany had weapons of mass destruction, but the Germans are a different kind of people and not even when their own cities were being firebombed and millions of civilians incinerated did they use their weapons of mass destruction. Had they know that Eisenhower would murder 1,5 million German soldiers AFTER the war on open fields in Luxembourg and the Alsace region, the socalled Rhine Meadows, they might have reconsidered. But for good people it is difficult to imagine the level of evilness devil worshipping Talmud followers are capable of.
Og den her fik 112k views
It would appear that Iran just showed the world what a precision strike actually looks like.
It took out 30 F35's used to bomb children, destroyed an airfield, levelled the MOSSAD HQ and hit israels gas platforms in the Mediterranean
Og den her fik 96k views sendt til Medvedev, Trump og min gamle ven Robert F Kennedy Junior
We were the bad guys in WWII. If we had fought the jewish Bolsheviks who had committed a real Holocaust on over 60 million white orthodox Christians and Muslims instead of the Germans we would - not have had a Cold War - not have had the false flag producing and terrorist funding CIA - have had no wars in Korea, Vietnam, Africa, Afghanistan and the Middle East
I even suspect we wouldn’t have had a single global psyop.
Time to tell the truth about WWII
85k ( k = 1000 >>> 85k = 85.000) views
This is a HAARP station in Wales. Climate change is real for two reasons:
The Climate changes all the time always has always will and The Talmudic World Order has installed massive weather manipulating facilities all over the world.
They for example use it to minimise or enhance hurricanes....like the ones in Florida recently or the bizarre amount of rain in the Middle East.
With all due respect. I have a jewish Russian wife, and Russian and Russian jewish family I love, my father fought the Germans in the Danish resistance, my Godfather went to KZ Camp as did my wifes grandfather. I was brought up a Germanhating zionist believing all the lies about WWII.
Maybe it is about time to acknowledge and recognize that the jewish* bolshevik USSR murdered 60 million Orthodox Christians and Muslims. The Holodomor wasn't Russians massmurdering 10 million Ukrainians, it was jewish* Bolsheviks who murdered 10 million Ukrainians and over 50 millions Russians. Russians and Ukrainians were BOTH victims of the same devilworshipping supremacist Talmud following cabal, who today are behind the white genocide in Ukraine and the genocide of "Amalek"/"gentiles" in Gaza.
Both are being done to provoke WWIII and thus yet another war where gentiles are killing gentiles It would really be a good thing for world peace if you started to acknowledge that Hitler together with nearly all of central Europe were trying to avoid the same fate happen to the European nations. The Germans fought with a cross on their tanks, the Allied forces and the Red Army with a satanic symbol, the Pentagon. Unfortunately the Germans fought in vain and 12 million civilian Germans were murdered in cold blood Bolshevik style by the Allied Forces, the Red Army and Czech and Polish citizens from 1945 to 1948.
If you acknowledge that horrible crime, you will do more for world peace than you can imagine.
God Bless Mads Palsvig, Msc Law, Bac Finance, former investmentbanker from Credit Suisse First Boston, Morgan Stanley and advisor to the privately owned (by the cabal) Federal Reserve and ECB in conferences, private meetings and numerous drinks and dinners
*95% of Bolshevik leaders were jewish
92% of Gulag commanders were jewish
50% of NKVD generals were jewish
This is how the most evil empire in history murdered more than one million German soldiers
On the order of the Swedish jew General Eisenhower who after this having murdered one million white Christian men was rewarded with becoming President of the US.
In 1948 US Military Police Headquarters in Vienna came with a public declaration in German and in English:
“NO POISON GAS WAS USED IN ANY OF THE CAMPS The next former camp inmate - particularly of jewish descent - who claims poison gas was used will be taken to court charged with perjury”.
Let’s see what happened when the wall came down in 1989 and forensic analysis was done in Auschwitz:
PS Remember: they lie. Every single time. It is in the bible that we are not allowed to lie. But in the Talmud it states that jews may lie to gentiles. Once you know that everything happening will start to make sense. All the psyops. All the false flags. All the lies about “safe and effective”.
US MILITARY POLICE lavede Crime Scene Investigation og fandt INGEN brug af giftgas!
Se videoen ovenfor om Auschwitz.
Alt du har lært i skolen er løgn.
Alt du hører på fake news DR er løgn.
Alt fra loxist Hollywood er løgn.
Regarding the Holocaust. I asked the worldfamous professor in History, writer and scholar* below, about the following conundrum regarding the Holocaust:
- Auschwitz changed their official number from 4 million to 900.000 and Majdanek from 2 million to 30.000. Yet the number is still 6 million deaths. How is that possible?
- Also how come, if there were only 4 million jews in the territories occupied by Germany and 6 million died, then how can 5 million be "Holocaust Survivors"?
His answer is short but very enlightening (listen below).
For more info one could read books:
- by David Irving, Gerard Menuhim, Fred Leuchter, Richard Harwood, Michael A Hoffmann, Mike King, Thies Christopherson, Thomas Dalton, Carlo Mattogno, Theodor Herzl (he suggests in his diaries to sacrifice assimilated jews to motivate the rest to move to Palestine), Christopher Jon Bjerkness, Miriam Gebhardt, Nick Kollerstrom, David Duke, Arnold S Leese, David Hoggan, Leon Degrelle, Arthur R Butz, Schramm Streicher, Texe Marrs, Benton L Bradberry, Ariel Toaff, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Denis Fahey, Nesta Webster, Thomas Goodrich, Ernst Zundel trial, Edwin Black, Peter Winter and not the least Germar Rudolf.
I am personally currently reading: TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL by the jewish scholar Gerard Menuhim.
You can get it at https://armreg.co.uk/product/tell-the-truth-shame-the-devil-recognize-the-true-enemy-and-join-to-fight-him/…
You can use the Coupon Code "mads15" to get a discount.
He may be a professor and scholar, I haven't got the slightest clue who he is. Sarcasm is allowed when a small group of satanic members of a tribe usurp the worlds money creation and use it to try to take over the world and what's worse: are hell bend on killing all gentiles in the process.
As it says in the Talmud:
Therefore I think it is about time to
The Talmud is the most vile, depraved satanic book ever written
(Dette er fra the Talmud:)
Og husk der er nogen der har travlt med at bebrejde os hvide Kristne som var de første til at forbyde slaveriet for slaveriet.
Lad os lige undersøge hvem det mon var der stod bag slaveriet:
78% of slaveowners were Jewish.
Imagine the Chutzpah of blaming someone else for that which you do yourself.
There is a clinical term for that:
- Psychopacy
The 85%(?) Jewish controlled educational system and Hollywood spend a lot of time and focus on fomenting racial hatred between black and non-Jewish white people.
Et voila once again based on massive in your face lies! It is all part of the non stop Frankfurt School aka Cultural Marxist ideologi that has been instrumental in destroying Christianity, the family unit, our culture and traditions.